Part 6

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It's been a whole week since I'd seen either of them. During that time I've gone back to the academy and my usual schedule.
I try to distract myself but it seems impossible knowing they're out there somewhere.
It's like every waking moment I remember there faces and the time we spent together.
It's exhausting.

"Arthur!" Tess my childhood friend who secretly likes me has been calling my name for the last 5 minutes!
I just wished she would get the hint I want to be alone.
"There you are!" She appeared behind me making me jump. "Do you know how long I've been looking for you?" She raised a brow.
"Ummm, well I was talking to Sylvie so I must've blocked my surroundings." I scratched the back of my head while Sylvie gave me a disapproving nod.

I mentally promised I would make it up to Sylvie later so she wouldn't be pissed at me.
"Oh, is that the bell I hear?" I've got to go now Tess." I sped walked away while Tess was unclogging her ears wondering how she couldn't here the bell.
She trusts me to much.

I decided to completely just skip all the classes that day and leave the academy.
Not permanently just for today. I took the long route to where I had met Johnny and Alex, stumbling up the rough exterior wondering why they even made me meet them there in the first place.

By the time I got there I was tired and hungry.
I sat down by a big tree and sat watching the clouds move through the almost clear blue sky.
I felt my self drift of to sleep and what seemed like not a moment later I opened my eyes and found myself being carried by someone.

I started to panic but he quickly reassured me it was him. Alex, or Agrona now.
"What are you doing here?" I questioned. Staring into his blood red eyes.

"Shouldn't we be asking that question."
"Wait we?" I looked around to once again, Johnny-I mean Kasseze glaring at Agrona.
"I told you I would carry him," he complained.
"Stop your pouting, asshole." Agrona ignored kazess's protests and continued walking.

I dug my head into his long black cloak to hide my eyes from the bright moo- wait, moon!!
I've been out here all night.
I felt stupid for falling asleep and bothering both of them but another part of me was happy they were worried about me.
"What are you smiling about?" The older man asked. "I'm... just glad your here..." I felt a blush spread across my face and hid my face deeper in his cloak.

"Is that so." I felt cold fingers graze my back making lining up with my spine making me shiver. I then felt another hand slip under the collar of my shirt making me blush all the way down to my shoulders.
I felt confused by this feeling but also embarrassed by my reaction.

I didn't know what to do other then let them continue with their...... exploring.
I started to feel overwhelmed and one part of me wanted them to stop but the other didn't.

...... I'm about ready to throw myself off a bridge.

Together. KezessxArthurxAgronaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant