Part 5

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"We're not two "random" men," Kazess pointed out. "Yeah, were your best friends." Agrona chipped in.
"I know but I still can't do that.....
"How about tomorrow? We can meet up here again."

They both looked at eachother with uncertainty.
"We can't..."
"Why not?" I asked getting nervous. Are they going to leave again? Is this just a one time thing?" These thoughts left a tight feeling in my chest and and a lump in my throat.

"We've got things to do," Agrona said slowly. "Like what?!" I said a little to quickly.
kazess looked at me with worry. "Just some business, but don't worry, we'll visit again."

I don't know what the feeling was that held me in a tight hold, Maybe it dread or worry that the only people from the past were finally going to leave me behind by myself. Are they annoyed with me?"

"Oh....... ok, well see you then.." I left in a hurry not wanting to look at the people who were probably going to abandon me.
It could just be they will visit but I didn't want to get my hopes up. Everyone leaves me eventually. I'm sure they have a nice family waiting for them at home.....
I felt tears flow down my face. "Why am I crying? I should be happy about that."
"they should have a nice wife and kids at home,"
"without me getting in the way."

It won't be just the three of us anymore

I choke down my sobs as I ran to my house sprinting up the stairs ignoring my parents lecture.
I slammed my door to my room and went straight to my bed not bothering changing out of my clothes and slammed myself in the bed.

~the next day~

After a long night of endless thinking I realized I was being selfish.
I was the one who pushed them away in the first place.

I was just upset that they've moved on.
They've met new people and friends, just like me. I changed out my clothes from the day before and mentally prepared myself for the long upcoming lecture from my parents.

I walked down those stairs with fake confidence as mom stood at the bottom of those steps. Surprisedly she didn't look pissed or disappointed just worried.
"Morning," I said. Getting to the last step of the stairs, not having anything to distract me.

"Are you... ok, honey?" She straightened out my shirt and cups my cheeks. "Why wouldn't I be?" I didn't like hiding my feeling but I didn't want to get them involved in my issues.

"You didn't eat dinner yesterday, or come down once which isn't like you." I pulled her hands away from my face and turned away.
"I was just tried is all." I was out the door before she could say another word.

I had to go back to the academy soon and was dreading it which was unlike me.
I usually looked forward to seeing Elijah and Tess along with the DC committee but for some reason I'm not all that desperate to meet them again.

I miss those two.

Don't worry guys, things will get good soon😀

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