Part 2

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First letter: Arthur, I heard that is your name now, I've missed you so much since we separated and hope we'll see eachother soon.

I remember when we used to play with eachother as children even though much more time has passed for me then for you, I still remember.
I hope this letter finds you well.

           Your old friend and secret admirer...

Second letter: i hope you remember me and the time we spent together before we separated.
I've been watching you and how you've been doing ever since I found out you were here.

I really hope you didn't forget your best friend already.
I'll see you soon,

Till we meet again

From You know who.

After reading both of the letters I didn't know what to think anymore. Whoever these two people were they seem to know me....

I wonder who they could be?
Maybe it's just a prank, some kids fooling around or something.
I set them in my drawer across from my bed and took a small nap.

I was woken my one of the servants informing me dinner was ready.
I've never got out of bed so fast before. I got to the dining room and smelled the amazing scent of delicious meat, vegetables and a variety of other different things.

I was drooling when I sat down and as soon as we finished the blessing I ate that shit up like you wouldn't believe.
I guess I must've been a little to loud because everyone was looking at me with concern.
"Are you ok, honey?" Mom leandd over the table and wiped off my face with a napkin making me blush.

"I'm fine, just a little hungry." I smiled with my cheeks full of food.
"A little? You've had like 5 serving!" Dad explains. "Well your on to talk old man at least I don't eat like this every meal," I teased. "That's rude," is all he said because he knew he couldn't deny it, especially in front of mom.

Ellie was laughing at our arguing, while I filled my plate once again without even finishing the serving before.

Once I was done eating I felt like a new person, a bloated one but new none the less.

A couple days past and I once again kept  receiving two letters from the mysterious....... stalkers?
I was still unsure on who these people were but I found it a little exciting when I received the letters.
It went on for a good two weeks and this time there was only one letter and it had a strange address in it telling me whoever they were "wanted to see me again" even though I don't think I've ever met these people I wanted a little adventure so I decided why not.

I planned on going tomorrow after a goos nights rest

But in the end I ended up just tossing and turning in anticipation.

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