Episode 11 - Trouble x With The x Gamble

Start from the beginning

"Huh?" Leorio gulps.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"


"Yes, there is a problem! She didn't acknowledge the people who identify with neither man nor woman! It was all rigged from the beginning!" Alluka shouts.

Killua gasps, "So true!"

'She's obviously a woman... Or could she be trans? No, she's gotta be a woman,' Leorio ponders to himself before speaking aloud, "That's fine, but how will you prove if I'm wrong?"

"Oh, right..." Leroute pretends to think for a moment, "I'll let you examine every part of my body. Until you're fully satisfied."

"Seriously?" Leorio's blush returns, "Her body?" His eyes scan Leroute's figure.

"She's not even that pretty," escapes Kurapika's mouth. His face immediately blanks upon realising that, pretending he didn't say anything. Leorio, Gon and Alluka fall for the trick.

Killua is the only one who lets out an audible acknowledgement of Kurapika's slip, snickering to himself.

"Leorio will bet she's a man," Kurapika on-screen says.

"Uh-huh," Killua nods.

Gon turns to look at them both, "Huh? Why?"

"Okay, I've decided," Leorio says, "I bet ten hours that you're a man!"

Leroute smirks like the cat who caught a canary.

"I knew it," Kurapika utters.

"Dirty old man..." Killua comments.

"Huh? But how did you know?" Gon asks.

Leorio's thoughts are shown, 'This way, even if I'm wrong, and it turns out she's female, I'll still get to examine her body! It's a win-win situation. Actually, please be wrong...'

"Or, you could have said she was female and if you were wrong, you would have gotten to examine a cute guy's body!" Killua teases.

"Wha- She wasn't male, though! If I guessed correctly, I wouldn't have gotten to-" Leorio, suddenly remembering there were fathers and a pedophile also in the room, cut himself off.

Hisoka grins, "~I know a place-"

A wooden stick materialises from thin air and bonks him on the head. The stick then disappears.

In the background, Killua is seen saying, "There you have it" as if Leorio's thoughts had been transferred to Gon who replies, "I get it now."

"Okay! Reveal the answer!" Leorio says.

"Too bad... I'm a woman," Leroute responds, a little too carelessly for a woman who's about to let a guy touch her wherever he wants.

"R-Really?" Leorio looks a little too happy for someone who lost ten hours.

"Would you like to check?"

"B-B-But of course!"

The screen fades into white and an image of angel Leorio flying to heaven is shown.

Killua absolutely dies, "Pftt, holy sht. That's hilarious and horrifying."

Kurapika suddenly stares intensely at the remote in his hand. 'Leorio... dress... cute... Wait, what?'

The monitor changes the scores to 90 - 10.

Leorio is seen looking extremely pleased, holding his hand out in front of him, 'A mistake I do not regret.'

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