The new world on the moon

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Shirou Emiya entered the moon cell hoping he would find a way to save everyone back on earth, as he went inside he thought how the world inside the moon cell, seraph, would look like, but as he got inside the view wasn't the expected

Shirou: where... am I?

Shirou expected something a lot more complex like a digital room full of ones and zeroes, but what he found is a big city with lots of classical and flashy buildings

The city was full of humans, or so he thought. While there are some humans, most of the people were npcs, but it's difficult to spot the difference

Shirou: this represents somewhere on earth... this is just like... Rome

Yes, the city he was at looked exactly like the Roman Empire would've looked like on its era, a bit weird for an electronic world made of spiritrons

In the center of the city there was a big golden palace, and Shirou thought that where there's a palace there's a monarch

Shirou: alright, I guess I'll go there

Shirou then proceded to go to the golden palace. He reached the gate and tried to open, but it was locked

Shirou: locked huh? I knew it, well guess I'll try to get in from somewhere else...

???: what do you think you're doing kid?

At the sudden voice, Shirou turned to see someone standing in a pillar of the gate

Shirou: you are...!

Yes, the blue leotard was new, but it was as clear as day. The deep blue hair, the red eyes, the menacing look, and that ominous looking red spear. It's someone Shirou knows a little bit too well

 It's someone Shirou knows a little bit too well

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Shirou: ...lancer!

Lancer: hmm? How do you know that kid?

Shirou: what? You don't remember me? It's me, Shirou Emiya, you almost killed me once

Lancer: hmm? Were you a participant in the holy grail war? No, all masters should be dead by now... and I don't remember seeing you when alive... maybe you're the new master I was told about

Shirou: what? New master? I don't understand

Lancer: well, you don't have to understand, after all... I'll kill you right here and now

In that moment Shirou felt a chill down his spine and raised his guard. At the next moment lancer was behind him. When Shirou noticed lancer threw a side kick to his gut, pushing him 20 meters until he hit a wall

Shirou: dammit... he's way stronger... than last time I saw him... cough cough

Lancer: hmm, if you're a master where is your servant? I don't feel any other presence around here, if he or she doesn't appear now you will die

Shirou Emiya in the moon cellWhere stories live. Discover now