Chapter - 2

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My eye brows furrowed in failed recognition.

Who is she?

My arms fell back to my sides as she slouched, sitting on the bare floor next to the railing.

She combed through her full black thick hair with her fingers and turned her gaze towards me.

She looked me up and down "You're probably wondering who am I" She chuckled.

"It's fine mate, that's not important" she brought out a pack of cigarette, opened it and brought out one sticking one end into her mouth and the other end facing out.

"What's important is that, we have the same goals".

What did she mean by that?

My eyebrows furrowed again in confusion as I watched her take a lighter from her shirt's front pocket. She lit a fire on the other end of the cigarette in her mouth.

The smoke immediately diffused the air with its horrible stink. My nose scrunched up unintentionally.

The smell of smoke wasn't a friendly one.

What the hell?!

She raised her left hand, motioning for me to get off the railing and join her on the ground. "Believe me when I say, the last thing you want is falling off that place unintended".

She scrunched one eyebrow, "you need to be prepared to have a perfect fall".

She was right! I sighed, and jumped down to the ground next to her, I took a deep breath and straightened out my shirt.

I walked to the other corner, that was a little far from her and opposite her....I slouched to sit as well on the bare ground. It was cold!.

Whoever this girl was, I really do not care.
What I do care about though is her explanation on her previous statement.

We have the same goals.

What did she mean by that?, same goals? How did she know of my goals?

What is she even doing at this part of the tower?, except- my eyes widened in shock as my brain finally caught up.

Oh my! She's here to take her life too, just like me!.

What could be wrong with her?
What could be her story?

The only way of me finding out is if she decides to tell me, I'm never going to ask. I never asked anything.

Most of my asking were best bottled up and never came out, I got used to it overtime.

I released a huge breath as I pushed my back to the wall, I formed a bridge with my legs, bringing my knees together and placed my arms folded over it, then relaxed my head on it.

I'll probably wait till she leaves or do whatever she's here to do before I pull through with my plan.

"I had an argument with my mum"

What? Did I hear her well? She wants to take her life because she had a fight with her mum?!

That's not even the quarter of what I've been through.

I abruptly raised my head and looked her in her face.

It was void of any emotion, it neither showed sadness nor happiness, just blank.

She took a puff of her cigarette. "Years ago, when I was thirteen, just a little argument and I decided, I'll take a walk to clear my head, I did that everytime my mum and I argued, we argued about a lot of shits". She raised her head to look at me.

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