A tear slipped out of Dong Wook's eye.

"That's it, it's okay to cry man." Sadness encouraged.

"You know what makes me glad that you're out of that marriage? Is that you're doing very well without her holding you back." The mother stated. "I know it hurts, but sweetie it takes time and closure in order to heal. And stop trying to hold in your emotions like that, you know that it's okay to cry."

Dong Wook finally broke down and cried after she said that.

The mother pulled him into a hug as she rubbed the back of his head.

"Ahh, nothing warms me up than the love between a mother and her son." Love sighed out.

Dong Wook pulled away and looked at his mother with bloodshot eyes and a pink stuffed up nose. His mother wiped away his tears with her thumbs and pecked his forehead.

"Now go out there, and find you a real woman." The mother ordered. "Because I still want more grandkids."

"Mom..." Dong Wook chuckled out as he hugged his mother tight.

Ha Jun's POV

Ho-yeon and Ha Jun both walked into Ho-yeon's childhood room.

"Well, here it is...my room back when I went through my dark phase." Ho-yeon announced.

"Hmmm...very edgy." Ha Jun joked.

Ho-yeon chuckled as she playfully punched his shoulder.

"My parents really like you." Ho-yeon stated.

"Yeah, I was really nervous at first, but after your mom showed me pictures of you cuddling with a cat, I was at ease." Ha Jun explained.

Ho-yeon's face turned red as she sat on her bed. Ha Jun joined her then they both began to lay down and cuddle next to each other.

Next thing Ha Jun knows, Ho-yeon asked him a question that made his heart stop.

"When will I get to meet your family?" Ho-yeon asked.

Ha Jun froze before he spoke.

"Trust me, my family is nothing like yours." Ha Jun spoke honestly.

Ho-yeon sat up.

"What do you mean?" Ho-yeon asked.

"I guess I should come right out and say it; I never told my family about this...about us." Ha Jun admitted. "It's not because of you, but because of my father."

"Your father's an asshole?" Ho-yeon asked.

"I guess you can put it like that." Ha Jun chuckled out. "But, the only reason why I've kept you in the dark from them was because I don't want my father to talk you out of breaking up with me, or him scaring you away."

Ho-yeon scoffed.

"Baby, did you forget what my personality is?" Ho-yeon asked. "I'm not afraid of your father and I didn't date you because of your father, I'm dating you because of you."

"Well this is the me that I've been wanting to be ever since I left home." Ha Jun stated. "I mean...Ha Jun's not even my actual name."

Ho-yeon's eyes grew wide.

"It's not? Then...what is it, if you don't mind me asking?" Ho-yeon asked.

Just before Ha Jun could answer, the parents walked in.

"Oops! Sorry we didn't mean to walk in on y'all intimate moment." The dad apologized.

"Just make sure you're wearing a condom, we don't want grandkids just yet." The mom advised.

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