Now James was another story, he was just as protective but he knew he needed to talk to James more and he would. Lorenzo was still trying to figure James out. He was protective like Alex but was vunerable like Skye althouh he didn't like to show it. He was incredibley smart and would have scored higher than Skye if he had more confidence and didn't cross his anwsers out. Lorenzo saw he wasn't as outgoing as Alex but when he needed to be, he was just as fierce.

"I bet living with a stupid drug gang like them would have done them good" Marco said as the news continued.

"Marco how dare you...." Rafael snapped in a dark tone but was cut off by Alex before he could actually scold Marco.

Alex had shrugged Lorenzo off him "what the fuck did you just say" Alex was pissed, not because of the pain he suffered but the pain he saw his siblings face. The torture and suffering. Skye and what they did to her.

Alex didn't get any further though because what shocked everyone in the room was James who had quickly got up and in seconds hit Marco.

One hit turned into several and Marco who was shocked at the outburst ended up on the floor taking hits.

"Shut up. You are such a shitty person. Just shut up" James shouted.

"Enough James" Rafael said although he wasn't in a hurry to stop him after the awful comment Marco made.

"James stop" Alex tried not wanting Rafael to get angry at how James disobeyed him.

James kept hitting, letting out all his anger throughout the years.

Marco snapped out of the shock and in an instant he grabbed James and switched their position he was now on top of James, he only managed to hit him once he had been too quick for Rafael who had remained seated to get up and stop him.

Rafael had grabbed Marco before he could hit James again. He pushed Marco off James with ease.

"I'm going to make you regret that, you stupid fucker" Marco snapped trying to get to James.

"Not another word out of you. Marco go to your room. Right now" Rafael ordered.

His first priority was James. He would deal with Marco later.

Marco didn't dare disobey his father with the tone he used so he headed upstairs.

"Are you okay James" Rafael asked his son as he lifted the boy up and placed him on the sofa. James had curled himself up and was shaking in fear.

Alex wanted to jump in front of James and protect him but instead he decided to watch and see what Rafael would do. He wanted to see if Rafael could be trusted.

"Nico go upstairs" Leo muttered. Nico quickly left not wanting to get told off by their father.

"James it's okay, I'm not mad, can you sit up if not it's okay" Rafael calmly stated.

Alex and Skye took this moment and went and sat next to him on the sofa Rafael had placed James on.

James sat up knowing his siblings were next to him. Knowing they would jump in if something happened and not wanting them to get hurt.

"Good. Now I know you know hitting is wrong but I want to know what triggered that outburst" Rafael asked.

James was not going to admit it so he looked to Alex.

"We grew up in Ohio as you know and we have heard so many nasty rumours about them and as you know they have just been arrested as they are a drug gang but also some of them are facing murder charges. I believe James got angry at the thought of living with such criminals especially because of the rumours, sir"  Alex again lied like a pro.

Lorenzo and Rafael shared a look due to their profession.

"Its true I got angry at the fact he wanted us to be with them " James didn't exactly lie.

"That's understandable. What Marco said was wrong and that's why Im not going to do anything about your outburst however try not to do it again. Leo is going to take you and get some ice, Skye can go with you"

The triplets noticed how he never said Alex. Alex had to stay behind and that worried them.

"Come on you two" Leo said.

"But Alex" James said.

"He will join you later" Rafael said.

Skye and James had no choice but to leave Alex, James grabbed hold of Skye's hand to comfort her. He knew she was probably lost in thought and so he squeezed her hand for reassurance.

Now Alex was alone with Rafael and Lorenzo.

He found himself looking at Lorenzo for any sort of help or comfort but Lorenzo had an emotionaless expression like most of the time.

"I'm truly sorry for my words and James outburst. It will never happen again sir" Alex quickly said.

"That is not why you are here. Please don't call me sir" Rafael said.

Lorenzo remained quiet, he didn't know why his father had kept Alex behind.

"You mentioned going to the station to make a statement and seeing them. I would like to know more about that" Rafael stated.

"We just crossed paths on the way to the room it was nothing and I believe my statement was made confidential"

"Why were you making a statement"

"Because it was a car accident. They wanted to know things"

"What happened"

"We crashed, it was a necessary to give a statement"

"Was it your foster parents fault. Did they endanger you" Rafael asked. Just the thought made him angry.

"No. Why did you keep me behind just to ask questions like this"

"Well its obvious you speak for the three of you. I saw the reaction you three had to the news. I just wanted to make sure nothing happened in your brief interaction and you mentioned the car accident so I wanted to check on that "  Rafael said.

Alex was suspicious of Rafael's motives. He didn't understand why he cared.
Why did any of them care.

" Nothing happened please may I be excused sir"

Rafael sighed and nodded "of course son"

Alex paused.


Rafael had called him son and he only just managed to suppress a smile.

Maybe he wasn't alone. Maybe he could have a childhood afterall.

No way would James have gotten away with beating Marco like he did if they were like the men. Maybe they were different.

Okay so Marco is going to have a little redemption next chapter. Sorry it took so long to publish not felt like writing and didn't know how to end the chapter.

What Marco said was truly awful but it will only add to the guilt he's going to feel.

I'm going to add some new characters soon I have a few in mind but is there any characters you would like to see and it doesn't matter if they haven't been mentioned.

The lost tripletsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن