27 - Closer

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No new warnings

Yuri POV||The clubroom||A month later than the last chapter

I stepped into what felt like home. Natsuki over at the closet, Sayori talking with Monika, and Melody quickly doing her math homework because she forgot to do it at lunch. I could see Monika faintly staring at Melody. I guess she moves on quickly. But Natsuki seems to have too, daydreaming instead of picking up a book.

All we were missing was a rude person to mess up the atmosphere, and I love the atmosphere today.

I quietly sit down and flip into a page. I don't feel like reading. I just stare blankly at my book. Why does it seem so different even though it's all the same? I let my mind wander while I stare at a single word.


I let myself think of who it would be next. Next target, next victim. Yet I can't seem to find someone. It's been over a month since we all took a week off, now we have catched up. Nothing to worry about now? But that's never the case.

"Okay, everyone! I would share poems, but since we still have a few minutes before, let's just talk. We're still missing a lot of club members. Just one more and we're almost perfect. Anyone in mind?" Monika asked.

"I...I mean there is someone in mind, but I'll have to ask them..." Melody stuttered. They stared at each other for a second.

"Guys? We're supposed to talk, not stare!" Natsuki huffed, slightly laughing.

"Oh right! Uhm, let's..share...poems." Monika said dreamidly. Me and Natsuki shared a look that meant is she high? 

"Pft, okay, poem time." She said, coming up to me.

Take me home

My dad told me to leave him alone
I told him "Okay" and left my home
I went to a park and romed
Looking for a place to belong
There was a playground among 
With little kids singing along
To a hurtful birdsong
I couldn't help but think of a time
When I went here with a love of mine
He grabbed my hand and we shined
But now that time is over
And now I am cold
Alone whispering as if I'm in a chokehold
"God, please take me home, dad, please take me home"

"Wow, that's really pretty." 

"Let me see yours." She muttered

Breath of fresh air

I've been pushed down by those whom I loved
I've been cast as a villain hurtfully so
I grabbed my problems and cut them off
And now we're all together again
It's honestly a breath of fresh air
Talking in a mystery snare

Closing my eyes in timid stance
People following every move or glance
I let everything out really shortly
And now I have no more problems
So I breathe the air
And it's a breath of fresh air

"Uhm it's...cool." Natsuki muttered.

"Mhm, thanks. Also, who's the person you want to join?"

"Oh, nobody...Ok fine! Their name is...Yua." She hesitantly said. 

"Pretty name..." I said, wondering if this person would be a bitch or a saint.

"She's nice I promise! Well, she's a family friend...And she's a bit...off around...you know, matu-"

"How old is she?" 

"Uhm, 17..." She said, barely above a whisper.

"Oh okay, just you know, 14 year olds might not want to deal with our drama."

"I get that. And she is a little boy crazy...Uhm, very...well, straight."


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