~Chapter IV~

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After a VERY long day at work, [name] finally arrives home. Their posture slumped and their eyes almost closed, they change painfully slow and lay down in their bed.

Just a little nap..

They close their eyes as they drift off to sleep. The image in their head not changing from a void-like black.

Their eyes snap open by a strong urge to wake up. They groggly turn their phone on to look at the time.

It's..  1:32??!! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck mee

They began looking around for the flower in a panic before realizing:

No wait, fuck, the damn bouquet!

[name] began searching for some flowers and a vase, doing so in every nook and cranny. Their stumbled over a blue vase with white lines.

That'll do.

They began looking for the flowers, finding tulips, daffodils and carnations.

They mean forgiveness...

They won't even know what they mean, stupid.

They rushed to their bed, and once they laid down they tried to fall asleep, biting the flower. The earlier adrenaline wore off, making [name] realize how damn tired they were. They jolted awake. Looking down, they saw their body laying unconscious under them.

Phew, finally.

They half-hazardly stood up, their legs shaking under them, ready to give out. [Name] grabbed their bed, trying to stay on their legs.


"Hey!" A voice says, out of the blue, leaving [name] startled.

They jumped, yelped and turned in the direction of the voice, only to clam down seeing River there, and letting out a sigh of relief.

"Hehe, startled you?" She asks.

"Yep, but don't worry, I'm tired either way, so way more jumpy." [name] explained.

"Yeahh, sorry about that." River said, scratching the back of her neck. "You got the flowers?"

"Oh yeah, they're rightttt..." they paused, looking around the room for the vase and flowers. "..there!" [name] pointed to a vase with flowers already in it.

"Ooooo~ do they mean anything?" She asks.

"Of course they do, they all mean forgiveness, or, well, asking for it." [name] responds, looking almost out of it.

This doesn't go unnoticed by Rivers observation skills, so she decides to not sugarcoat it and and bluntly asks:

"Did you even sleep? You look like garbage." The last part slipped through, almost blurted. "Hot garbage." She quickly adds.

"Oh, you flatter me. And not really, barely took a nap."

"Ouch, I'm sorry for you."

"...yeah." [name] takes a hot second to awnser, but does so with closed eyes.

Deciding to walk towards the window (that's above the bed), where River also is, but trips on their own feet. River tries to catch them, but they manage to take her down with them, now landing on top of River.

It takes a minute to process, but both burst out  laughing. Yup, that's what tiredness does to you.
[Name] roll off River ( to avoid awkwardness, of course) and say:

"OK but you're really comfortable. Have you tried being a bed?"

"Hmm, i didn't know it's an actual career path."

flowers by the river ( a river x reader reader insert {uwo}) (Discontinued!)Where stories live. Discover now