Chapter - 1

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Now is the time, Adam

There's nothing left in this life worth living for.

It would be better if you just died too.

You are worthless anyway.

It is all your fault

Everything went down only because of you.


No one would even think of you or miss you when you're gone.

It's for the best, Adam.

Take your life.

"Stop!" I yelled into the empty room, holding my ears down tightly with my hands, blocking out the voice. It was too much!


The voice that has been tormenting me since forever.

I know, no one wants me on earth! And with this tragedy that has just struck me, I knew indeed, It was time.

Time, to end it all for good!.
I got up from my bed as slowly as I can, wiping away my tears with my palm as I sniffed.

With my mind made up, I knew exactly where I needed to be.

The only thing I held on had just left me, rendering me useless.

I just really want to die, this pain is too much.

My chest was tight like it was tied in knots, my heart heavy and my chest heaved up and down with my breathing.

What is the purpose of living anyways.

I knew what I wanted to do, everyone did it these days - Suicide

The ultimate solution.

Unlike some who did it, I didn't need to write a letter.

I had no one who would read it.

No one who would care,

No one who would wonder about my whereabouts either.

Now was the time to go through with my plan of 10 years, if not more.

I looked around my room, nothing worthy of giving out, everything in it were worn-out.

I grabbed my pair of  trainers from under my bed, pushed it on my feet and tied the laces firmly. I left my room and shut the door behind me and began walking.

It started as a slow pace, towards my destination- the walko tower. It was a very tall building, housing most of the big shots of parkville.

In minutes, the slow paced walk increased, and gradually, I bolted into a full sprint as the memories flooded back in.

I ran harder and faster, even as my vision blurred from the tears.

I ran and I didn't stop, even as my heart began to tighten up.

I might as well just collapse and never woke up.

I kept running, though my heart was stinging from its lack of adequate oxygen.

My face was hard as stone, and sweat quickly drips down my neck and shoulders.

I continued to run, though my muscles ached and they were begging for rest.

My shoes squeaked as a sign of tiredness, but I'm never going to stop till I arrive my destination.

I kept on running, until I arrived at the intersection that led straight to the tower.

A Chance At Life Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant