Chapter 15

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I tell everyone goodnight, enter my room to get ready for bed, and finally allow myself to sleep. I wake up to someone opening my door, guess they don't know about this really cool thing called knocking. I sit up and see Azal and the others standing by the door smiling. I can't imagine a worse sight, than being woken up to see obnoxiously cheery and colorful people smiling down at me. I give a small wave, grab a random shirt and pants, and head to the bathroom to get ready. After I'm done, I walk out and all of them escort me back to the room where they first styled me. I sit down on one of the chairs and chip off some of the nail polish as I wait for them to say something.

"Typically, I would prefer you didn't ruin your nails, but seeing as we have to paint them tomorrow, I'll allow it this once," Meta says as he walks over to what I assume is a closet and sets out little jars with paint on a table.

"We aren't going to get you ready now since the interview isn't until tomorrow, but we can show you your dress will look like!" Dina says as she brings out three different pairs of black high heel shoes, all varying in height. She gives me a pair of odd thin socks and the shoes with the shortest heel.

"Put those on and then stand up, and when you're ready walk over to this vanity with all the nail polish, and then back to the chair." Dina says and goes to stand with the others. I put on the socks, the material feels weird almost like a second skin that I should peel off. I ignore it and put on the shoes and stand up, holding the back of the chair for balance. I slowly walk over to the vanity, and walk back to the chair. I turn around to face them and all of them start clapping. They react like I'm a toddler walking for the first time, I take off the shoes and Dina gives me the second slightly taller pair. I put them on and do the same thing as before just less gracefully, I take off the heels and give them to Dina.

"That was better than I had thought it would be!" Rena exclaims as Azal walks over to a different closet.

"Here is the dress you'll wear." She says holding up an orange sleeveless dress with ruffles. I guess it could be worse, but I definitely wouldn't have chosen it.

"What do you think?" Azal asks hanging the dress up. I want to say that it looks like a poorly made rug or like she sewed different fabrics together and thought adding a bow would fix it. Instead I settle for

"It's nice."

"Yes well I'm sure you'll love it once you wear it. We'll take you back so you can discuss how to act for your interviews." Azal responds and we head back to the elevator. We arrive at level 2, Silvia greets us and unlocks the door for me. I walk to the kitchen and grab some leftover breakfast.

"So, how was the dress?" Enobaria asks leaning over the back of the couch.

"It looked a bit like a tattered rug." I reply sitting down next to her.

"Hopefully it doesn't look like one when you wear it. So, what were you thinking you'd act like for the interviews?" She asks leaning back to face me.

"I was thinking I was just going to be myself." I reply

"Yeah definitely not. Name the traits the kids in your training center back home associated with you. Like what I gathered so far is usually nice, athletic, obviously great with knives, smarter than Cato but that isn't a huge compliment I'm pretty sure most people are, " She says

"I think a few thought I was a bit sadistic, but really I just enjoy being better than them. So maybe I'm just arrogant. My instructor said I was clever. I'm not sure how that is going to influence how I act. It's not like I'm allowed to throw a knife at someone and continue on with the interview." I respond

"Well no you can't throw a knife but you could talk about it. Just mention what you could do if you were allowed. I'm not saying go all out like you will in the arena, you should still be nice but just make them aware." She says and I nod

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