Chapter 11

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I watch as the two from district twelve make their way over the the knot tying and trap making station. Both of them seem skilled at it, so I don't know why they're wasting their time there. I remember what Brutus and Enobaria said about tributes hiding their skills. That's probably their strategy, stay off our radar. I watch Peeta try to start a conversation with Katniss, but she isn't focusing on the knots or him. I follow her gaze and instead it seems she is more interested in watching Cato throw spears at one of the dummies. Glimmer makes her way over to me and taps me on the shoulder.

"Good morning, Cato seems really good with that doesn't he? Maybe he can teach me. Anyway, I'm going to the archery station, make sure to watch I'm great with a bow!" Glimmer says happily before flouncing away. Cato and Marvel walk over and I motion for them to focus on Glimmer. We all watch as she nocks the arrow and draws back the bow. She seems to know what she's doing, hopefully her aim is as good as her technique. She waits for a few seconds before shooting. I bite my lip in anticipation as the arrow soars closer to the target. It lands with a thwack and misses the center by a good four inches. She tries again, but only manages to get it just a tad closer. I roll my eyes, I hope this is an act, and she's actually competent with it like she said earlier. Glimmer makes her way back to us smiling and brushing away her hair. I ignore her and focus on the other tributes. I notice the girl from 12 looking at Glimmer and laughing slightly. We lock eyes and her smile fades away as she  goes back to her previous task. She must know something about bows. As much as I hate to admit it, even though Glimmer might not be the best at archery, she sure is better than the other people here. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Marvel bickering with Glimmer over her "lack of skills with the bow." She glared at him before angrily telling him to go do something better than she did.

"No need to set your standards so low." Marvel retorts with a grin as he makes his way to the spears. He takes a few and throws them, and all land almost perfectly in the center of the target. Glimmer scowls but quickly replaces it with a smile as he walks over to us.

"Why don't you do something to impress us Clove?" Glimmer says pushing me out towards the stations. I look around and spot a rack of knives near some moving targets, perfect. I walk over there and start to select the hardest and farthest level, but one of the trainers stops me.

"Do you know what you're doing? You could get severely injured." He says softly 

"I'm great with knives, I know exactly what I'm doing." I reply before grabbing a few of the knives and feeling their weight. I notice a lot of the tributes and even some trainers stopped to look at what I was doing. I signal the trainer to press the button. The machines turn on and the buzzing sound of the electricity washes over me. I stretch my arms a bit and relax my shoulders. The first few targets are easy. Back home I could hit them all in the center by the time I was nine. Finally, they are becoming faster but not anything challenging. Honestly I love this, we should invest in these at the center back home. I have three targets left, I've hit every dummy and target right in the center perfectly. I might as well show off a little and have some fun. I throw one with my right arm, another with my left, and spin around and throw the last knife with my right arm. All of the knives land perfectly and the machines let out one last buzz as they start to shut down. I stand up straight, push my hair out of my face, and turn around to see everyone look back to their previous tasks. I walk back to our little group over by the spears.

"Was that impressive enough?" I question, Glimmer and Marvel nod and Cato walks back over to the dummies, this time opting for a sword. He finishes, eventually walks back, and we start to watch the others. I notice the two from district twelve head to the camouflage station. They're definitely holding back, who comes here and decides to practice painting over how to use a sword or more preferably a knife. The elevator dings and I look over and see the rest of the Gamemakers show up. I grow bored of watching and head over to the edible plants section. I watch as a girl with red hair speeds through it, matching up all the plants and their purposes. She notices me watching and finishes up, allowing me to take over. I end up knowing most of the plants especially the more basic ones such as nightlock. and the ones I didn't I can identify now. I walk past the knife station and stifle a laugh, as one of the trainers attempts to teach the girl from district three how to throw the knife and actually hit the target. I head over to the ropes and nets and wait in line to climb it. The boy from district seven is up, he's doing pretty well. His foot gets caught in the net, he slips from the ropes, falling and injuring one of his legs. Wow I couldn't have been more wrong. I try not to laugh as I hear people behind me gasp. It's eventually my turn, and I have no problem climbing and finishing the course before jumping down. I walk back to join the others and notice the boy from district three hanging around watching his district partner attempt the course. She falls off, hitting her face and spitting her lip. He starts to walk to the girl, but Glimmer elbows him. I watch as he stops and gives a small smile to the girl, turns back to Glimmer and forces out a laugh. Training ends earlier than I wanted, I really enjoyed using the moving targets as well as actual good knives. Cato, Glimmer, Marvel, and I all head to the elevator.

"I thought today went well, I guess we'll see you soon for dinner." Glimmer says as they walk out of the elevator. We exchange goodbyes and press the button to take us up to our floor.

"Did you see what Katniss and Peeta were doing today?" I ask,

"No, why was it interesting?" He responds

"Depends on your idea of interesting. If slacking off at the knot, camouflage, plant, fire, and trap station and laughing at Glimmer trying to use a bow is interesting than yes." I reply

"So you think they're hiding some skills?" He asks

"Yeah definitely." I reply as the elevator opens and we walk into a nice air conditioned apartment. I walk to my room to take another shower and change. I select some pants and a red shirt and take a shower. I put on the clothes and walk out to the living room, putting my hair into a braid. I sit in one of the chairs in the living room and Cato stops talking with Brutus and Enobaria and leaves to take his shower.

"So, how was training?" Enobaria asks

"Great. I got to use actual knives and moving targets." I reply with a smile cause her to laugh a little.

"That's great, but I meant how was the tribute aspect." She says,

"It was fine, the boy from eleven is good with a sword and hand-to-hand combat, Marvel was good with spears, the girl from four seemed decent with an axe, and the girl from five has every single plant memorized." I respond,

"And what about that girl Shimmer? Or Glitter, whatever her odd sparkly name was, did she do well?" Brutus asks

"No. I'm hoping it was an act, she was absolutely horrible with a bow." I respond scoffing at the memory of her missing the center every time.

"Well, I found out some interesting information on her. Her token was taken away. It was a ring but if the gem was twisted, a poisoned spike came out. She said she didn't know about it, but maybe it is an act." Enobaria says, I didn't like Glimmer that much to begin with and I'm starting to dislike her more every new thing I find out about her. Though the ring was clever, it's too bad she wasn't clever enough to not get caught.

"What about district twelve?" Brutus asks

"I think they were holding back, they never went to the weapons and stayed by the snare, knots, or camouflage mainly the entire time." I say and Cato walks in and sits in the chair next to me

"When's dinner?" Cato asks.

"Whenever the district one folks arrive." Brutus says and Cato sinks down into his chair.

"Anyway, I believe the district twelve mentor was similar in the games he won. He used the force field to kill a girl. Maybe he told them both to reserve it for the Gamemakers." Enobaria replies as the elevator dings.

A Twist of Fate(Clato fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora