Chapter 10

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Silvia finally sits down at the table and adjusts her third wig of the day as the Avoxes set down the last of the drinks and food.

"You two looked wonderful in the parade. Everyone was looking at you two! I heard so many people talk about it afterwards!" Silvia exclaims before grabbing our plates and multiple pieces of steak and placing one on each plate.

"Maybe, but no one was talking about us after district twelve came out with their capes on fire." Cato says reaching over to grab a couple of strawberries.

"I understand you're upset, but you could still have good table manners and use the proper forks and ask instead of reaching. I've noticed both of you not using the right cutlery and never said anything, but I just have to because it's really bothering me." Silvia says, Cato rolls his eyes

"You're right Silvia. I'm so sorry I reached across instead of asking you to pass me the fruit. But did you ever think that maybe it didn't cross my mind what fork to use or to ask for the stupid fruit because Clove and I might've lost people crucial to one of us leaving the Capitol alive, all because two tributes from district twelve and their stylists decided they play with fire during a stupid game of dress up? So the next time you escort two people to one of their inevitable deaths, don't focus so much on the ebony table and dinner time manners, and focus instead on ways you can help keep them alive!" He yells before storming off to his room. Silvia clears her throat before taking a sip of water.

"Clove, could you pass me the salt?" She asks, Brutus snickers and I pass the salt. We finish dinner in silence, except for the occasional crash followed by a string of curses coming from down the hall.

"Should I take him his food?" I ask

"Yeah and take him a drink too." Brutus responds before handing me everything at Cato's seat. I walk down the hall to his room and knock on the door. He doesn't answer, I wait a little and knock again, nothing.

"Cato, it's just me I brought your food.  Listen, I'm not going to stand here and waste my time so come and take it or be petty and don't eat." I hear footsteps and the door opens.

"Are you going to come in or do you have better things to do?" He asks annoyed. I ignore him and step into his room. I notice a few holes near his closet, and his hand with bloody knuckles, he really needs to control his little temper tantrums.

"I didn't have to bring you this I was being nice. You shouldn't just take this all for granted. We aren't going to have all this food and stuff for much longer. I dislike Silvia and her weird obsession with manners and tables as much as you. I don't know if you've noticed, but as much as I want to I'm not out there throwing a knife at her."

"Whatever, just give me the food." He says and I hand him his stuff before walking out,

"I'm going to bed, I'll see you tomorrow morning." I say

"Goodnight, see you tomorrow" he replies as I close the door. I walk over to my room and yell goodnight to everyone. I change into some shorts and a shirt and climb into bed.
I wake up and slowly get out of bed to make my way to the bathroom to get ready. After I finish showering and all I walk over to the closet to find an outfit consisting of black pants, a dark green top, and leather shoes. I get dressed and twist my hair into sections at the front of and create little bubbles using small hair bands before tying it back into a ponytail. I walk out to the living room and see Brutus watching something on the tv. I sit down on the other side of the couch and realize he is watching the old hunger games.

"I'm not doing this for fun, I'm seeing how the mentors for the district one pair and district twelve pair fought. Maybe I'll get a better understanding of what they might tell them." He responds and I nod. I hear Cato's door open from down the hall and he walks out wearing the same thing I am except with a blue shirt.

"Great, we're practically matching again." He says sarcastically before sitting down in the middle of the couch.

"It's not just you two, every district has almost identical outfits for training. It helps the Gamemakers tell you apart." Brutus replies before turning off the television and heading into the kitchen.

"Come over here, we'll talk about what to expect today while the Avoxes make us something to eat." He says and I get up and walk over to the table and sit down.

"So we established already that Enobaria and I will coach you two together until the interviews. Both I and the table know what you're capable of Clove, but I never got the chance to hear or see what you can do Cato." He says

"I had said earlier that I'm good with swords and hand-to-hand combat, I don't really know how to show that to you here." Cato responds

"Well why don't you just say what you did at the academy." Brutus says leaning back in his chair.

"Well, Clove and I fought a lot and I fought with the instructors. I won most of the time, unless it was a draw. I used spears and swords when working with the dummies." Cato says and Brutus nods

"Now when you two get to the Training Center, do exactly what you would normally do back home. Just watch the others and how the act. Notice if anyone seems to be holding back. Cato, don't start a fight over anything stupid. People don't see that as intimidating, they see it as an immature boy getting upset for a stupid reason." Brutus says as Enobaria walks out of her room and joins us at the table. The Avoxes come and bring some food, and eventually we finish eating our breakfast.

"In a few minutes, you need to meet Silvia at the elevator." Enobaria says before turning the tv on to watch the games. A few minutes pass, and I head out to the elevator and wait with Silvia for Cato to come. He walks out and we take the elevator to the Training Center. Someone put a piece of cloth with '2' on the back of my shirt. Silvia waves and heads back to the apartment. I notice district 5 and district 3 waiting. I smirk at them, they don't seem to know how to use any of the weapons the trainers are telling them about. This is going to be much more fun than I had expected. Cato and I walk over to join the small group. Eventually more districts start coming, and Glimmer and Marvel make their way over and stand next to us. We're waiting on the last district to arrive, district twelve and they finally exit the elevator and join the circle. Atala the head trainer stands in the middle of us all and starts listing all the stations and rules. She talks about how we shouldn't have any fights with each other, since we will be able to do that in the arena. I smile at the thought of finally starting the games, and I ignore the rest of her speech. I already know what I'm doing, so I instead look around at all the tributes. Atala leaves and everyone heads to different stations.

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