Chapter 5

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For a few seconds nothing is happening, I wonder if something happened either to the car or train. I'm interrupted from my thoughts as Silvia opens the doors. The peacekeepers usher me out of the car and onto the train. The train door slides closed, and Silvia turns to face us

"Well, hopefully, you aren't too overwhelmed by all this!" She exclaims cheerfully, clasping her hands together.

"I'm not," I reply I haven't had anything really great happen yet. Really the only thing exciting was the fight with that girl. My answer caused her smile to falter a tiny bit before turning to Cato to hear his response.

"Oh, yeah it's alright. I've been told some things to expect by my family." He states looking around the room.

"Alright then, please follow me, I will be taking you to meet your mentors." She says starting to move down the hallway.

"How fast does the train go?" I ask, maybe it'll make up for my lack of response earlier and she'll still be open to helping me.

"Wonderful question dear, the train travels at 250 miles per hour, but don't worry, it shouldn't make you sick. However, a slight headache is not uncommon." Silvia responds before sitting down at a table weirdly large for only five people. I assume we're in the dining room and I sit down and look around. The walls have weird designs and paintings, and in a different room, there is a television with seats facing it. I look behind us and see a bar with a huge variety of foods and drinks I've never even knew existed. I hear footsteps coming from the room with the television. A really muscular man that looks about 40, and a tall woman with brunette hair that looks maybe mid thirties enter the compartment.

"Cato, Clove these are your mentors Bru-" Silvia starts but the man interrupts her.

"I'm Brutus, I won the 42nd Hunger Games. Cato, I will be your mentor, I trust you are well trained in one or more skills. I will discuss with you in private your skills, but you two will have to get to know each other. Before pairing up with the tributes from either district 1 or 4." I look over at Cato, he nods his head and Silvia starts to talk again

"As I was saying, Brutus and Enobaria will be your mentors and advise you how to make allies and get sponsors." She looked over at Enobaria I assume in order to make sure she was alright with not introducing herself. Enobaria nodded

"Enobaria won the 59th-" Silvia started, causing Enobaria to sigh for whatever reason.

"I won the 62nd game, and obviously as there is no one else, Clove I will be your mentor. I expect you to treat me with respect, and I will return it. Later, if you want to discuss privately your skills we can." Enobaria said, I noticed her teeth seem abnormally sharp, I wonder if I just imagined that or if she paid someone to make them look that way. Silvia sighs before trying again to have a nice introduction

"Actually, according to the data sheets given to us, Cato and Clove are training partners. And-" Brutus interrupts her

"How long have you been partners? Do you want to train and talk together? Is there some weird relationship going on between you two? Wha-" Silvia's cheery smile is gone and she cuts him off.

"I am trying to have a civil conversation, and it is getting harder when you keep butting into what I am trying to say!" Silvia exclaims before clearing her throat, fixing her wig, and replacing her smile. Enobaria sits across from me, and Brutus nods and sits down in the chair opposite Cato.

"Thank you as I was saying, Cato and Clove have been training partners for about three years now. Both of them volunteered, however, Clove got into a fight with the original girl picked, Destine and Clove had to be pulled away while the peacekeepers tended to the girl." I look over at Enobaria, she doesn't do anything indicating she is upset or intrigued.

"I'm comfortable training together, we have been for years." Cato says

"We've been partners for so long it wouldn't benefit either of us to train separately." I add, Enobaria and Brutus are silent,

"Alright, Clove what are you particularly skilled in?" Enobaria asks me

"I'm great with throwing knives." I reply, Brutus chuckles a little

"We get told that a lot, most of the time their lucky if they hit the dead center of the target twice." Enobaria responds, Cato laughs a little and tries to hide it with a cough.

"Fine, I'll prove it give me some sort of target." I reply confidently, Brutus looks around before walking over and grabbing to two pictures, and circling an orange and small rose. They were smaller than what I'm used to, but it doesn't concern me. Brutus hangs the pictures up at the other side of the room and hands me three regular knives. I stand still for a few seconds working out the best way to throw these.

"Don't worry just give it your best and we'll try not to be disappointed." Brutus says smugly, I ignore him and get ready to throw the knives. Thud, I threw it with my right hand and it lands in the center of the circled orange, strong start. Thud, I throw the second knife with my left hand, it lands in the circle of the rose, right where I wanted. I still have one last knife, I have an idea

"Don't move" I tell them. Silvia starts to get up to take away the last knife from me, but Enobaria  stops her.

"Hold on, I want to see this." She says, Silvia slowly sits down and closes her eyes. I find the spot I want to hit, Thud, the knife lands right between Brutus' middle and pointer fingers on his right hand. I hear Silvia gasp,

"I hope I didn't disappoint you too much." I say as I walk back to the table and sit down,

"That was incredibly inappropriate behavior, you also ruined a perfect ebony table!" Silvia exclaimed,

"I disagree, I think that Clove showed us exactly what was needed. And the table wasn't that wonderful anyway." Enobaria says as Brutus pulls the knife out.

"Well, Cato what about you? I doubt you'll impale this fine table as well." Brutus says

"No, I'm good with hand-to-hand and swords, so I don't think it's possible to do that unless I really tried to." Cato says, Brutus nods

"I believe that is all, correct?" Silvia asks,

"Yes, you are free to do whatever until dinner." Enobaria responds, Brutus stands up and walks out, and Enobaria follows.

"Follow mw and I'll show you to your rooms." Silvia tells us as she stands up and smooths her dress. Cato and I stand up, we follow Silvia down the hallway and to our rooms, she goes through how to work all of the different gadgets before walking away.

"Oh, typically we don't have to say this but since you're apparently good uh friends," Silvia hesitates before continuing on with an uncertain tone to her voice and a shaky smile

"There will be no mingling for extended periods of time in each others rooms. For obvious reasons, well I believe that is all for now. I'll let you two become adjusted and freshen up for dinner." She finished before quickly turning and walking down the hallway. I turn to Cato and see barley containing his laughter.

"What the hell do you think that was about?!" I ask him

"Well, you heard her, I guess they don't want us mingling in our rooms. Maybe they think we're together I'm not sure." He responds mimicking Silvia's accent while laughing.

"Right, I'm going to go to my room now." I say before slowly turning towards the door.

"Are you sure you don't want to see my room first?" He jokes

"Shut up" I reply making him laugh before entering our own rooms.

A Twist of Fate(Clato fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora