[𝟭𝟱] 𝙈𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙚 𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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A knock was heard at Sky's front door.

"I got it!" Sky rushed out of the pantry; "Move, D!".

"Really?" Dylan rolled his eyes as his sister pushed him back.

Looking through the peephole, she sees Dakota. Sky quickly open the door and smiles brightly; "So, you really came.". "Yeah, I told you I was," Dakota chuckled. "-What, you thought I was joking?" Dakota questions as Sky lets her in before shutting and locking the door.

"Hey Dylan." Kody waves to sky's older brother. "What's up, Kods" Dylan responds before he goes upstairs. "So, you found a movie for movie night?" Kody asks as she sat down on the couch. "uh, no, and it's obviously not night outside, so we can't do movie night yet!" Sky said. "No. We- we can, you're just choosing not to." Kody responds.

"That's...true." Sky smiled; "We could go live and do a Q&A while we find different snacks to eat?".

"Yes! See, I knew you had ideas inside that big head of yours" Kody beams as she gets up from the couch and moves over the Skylar. "Yeah! wait- you didn't think I had ideas?!" Sky questions. "-And my head is not that big!" She adds. "From how close we are, it kinda is" Kody smiles showing off her dimples.

"Oh, yeah?" Skylar raised her eyebrows with a grin. "Yeah." Kody glanced at the girl's lips before her. She attempts to leans in for a kiss but backed out last second. "So, um, uh...live?" Dakota says, nervously before she made her way to the Katz's pantry for snacks.

"You know Minnie Mouse's first name isn't Minnie. It is Minerva!" Kody says out of the blue.

Sky pulled her eyebrows together and asked; "Seriously?".


"I know, you see. Somehow the world will change for me" Sky sings as she sets up the phone for the live stream with Dakota; "-And be so wonderful".

"Live life, breathe air. I know somehow we're gonna get there" Dakota joins as she walks into the kitchen with Oreos in hand. "-And feel so wonderful" She sings as they were now on live. "It's all for real... I'm telling you just how I feel!" The two girls sung together. "-So wake up the members of my nation," Dakota sings as she goes back into the pantry.

"It's your time to be. There's no chance unless you take one..." Sky hums the rest of the iCarly theme song as people started to join the live.

"Whoa. Okay, too close! Let me back up" Sky backs away from the camera a bit; "Okay, better.".

"So...What's up?" Sky questions as she looks at the comments that were rolling in by the second. "I have a special guest tonight," Sky grabs the phone and flips the camera towards Dakota. She placed the chips she had in hand in the counter, and waves, "Hey everyone!".

"We're doing a small Q&A tonight before we have a movie night, we need some questions and some suggestions!" Dakota announced. "-Since someone didn't have a movie picked out when I got here." She adds on. "If I'm being honest I didn't want to pick without you!" Skylar corrected. "Mmhm" Dakota giggled as she takes the phone; "Anyways...We want all the questions so ask away, baby!".

"What's your favorite part about Cali so far?".

"Um, it's- it's definitely the people i've met!" Kody says with a huge smile. "I love it here!".

"Don't you miss Texas?"

"Of course! Moving was definitely a change." Kody says as Sky got in the camera.

𝙃𝙊𝙋𝙀𝙇𝙀𝙎𝙎 𝙍𝙊𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙄𝘾 •skᥡ kᥲ𝗍z•  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang