I'm Alive?

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As my eyes adjust to the morning light I realized that I was alive. Checking my body I found the bite but.. I'm not a zombie or is that not how these things work in real life..  Whatever happened to me? I checked my arms and found that they were still intact. What about the rest of me? How long has it been since I've been bitten? Did this happen recently?? I can't tell. I don't even know where I am... I looked around and noticed something very unusual. There' a giant hole in my living room. The carpet was torn away from the floor revealing a big gaping hole in the wood.
There was a large amount of blood splattered everywhere in all different colors. I looked around me and noticed that everything is covered with blood except for a few spots. What the hell is happening? I heard the sound of groaning and turn to find  mother.... dead.. She was dead... Now she's one of them.. So it does happen... If you're bit you become a zombie , but what happens after? Is there even a way to stop the infection? These thoughts ran through my head and I felt myself begin to panic.
"Mom" I whimpered as my knees began to tremble. All I wanted was to wake up, to feel something warm and loving and safe, to know that I'm alive! I was freaking out! Wiping my eyes I stand up.. In order to not become like my mom I have to be smarter.. I have to be quicker.. I have to want to live.. I have to!
I went to the basement where I stored all the weapons we owned. Grabbing my father's pistol and a bow I shot the zombie closest to me in the chest. It didn't even seem to notice..it just kept getting closer and closer.. I grabbed a rock from the ground and begin hitting the zombie any and everywhere. I noticed that once i hit the head and the head split in half it just laid there. "I show you mercy" I say down to the zombie. It was once human and now its this disgusting flesh eating creature. Noticing that it wouldn't be doing anything else, I ran towards the opening and climbed outside.
I ran towards the woods in order to get away from those things. It wasn't long before a horde came after me. I could hear their screams growing louder. I continued to run and ran and ran and soon enough I was completely surrounded by them.
I held the gun tightly as I prepared myself for their attack. I remember that the zombie from last night died..Again... as soon as I hit it on the head.. So the head is their weak spot... And now I have to use it..
I slowly lifted the gun and pointed it at each zombie as I took aim. I fired four shots hitting the zombie in the chest and two in the head. Once I hit them all in the head lowered the gun and began breathing heavily.
I heard shuffling behind me. I knew what was going to happen next. With every ounce of my energy, I turned around and pulled the trigger. A bullet hit the first zombie in the chest knocking it back. It fell on it's face, and with all the strength I still had left I kicked the second zombie in the face and finally hit the third one. After taking a few more hits I was exhausted. I dropped to my knees and put my weapon over my shoulder. Looking back at the horde, I saw one of them reach for me... Its mouth opened and it lunged at me grabbing me by my throat. Just as I was about to lose consciousness it  walked away.. That's when I realized I couldn't hear my heart... I couldn't feel my heart. I checked my pulse.. And there was no heart beat... I'm one of them.. I fall to me knees.. But then why aren't I mindlessly attacking..? Am I dead already? I slowly raised my head up and saw them leaving... I should run after them but my legs feel heavy and numb. I can barely hold up my own body.. The zombie in front of me was dead and I couldn't bring myself to care that I killed it.
My vision gets blurry, but I'  m okay.. I have to keep going. I have to stay strong. I got up off my knees and looked behind me and saw that the zombies haven't followed me anywhere. Why wouldn't they follow me? I can't believe it, I thought to myself. I was supposed to kill them all right? Was I hallucinating?  I shook my head to get rid of the weirdness of my situation, but my head spun and I fell back down. I lay there motionless as I listened to the zombies in the distance. Then... I could no longer hear any movement. They're all gone.. I wonder why..

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