What's Happening?!

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I woke up in the middle of the night to a loud noise coming from your room. The lights were still out, but you could see light shining through the windows. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as if that would make any difference. "Mom?" I grumbled, thinking she was the cause for the bright light.
After some thought, I decided to get up and look for the source of the light. It was getting late and I really didn't want to go looking for trouble on top of having to wake up at five in the morning to deal with mom's moods and not have her throw my shit around again like last time. As I crept through the house, making sure no one saw me, I noticed the door was wide open, and there seemed to be nothing inside. I took a look back into my room just to be safe. There were no windows near my bed and only a couple of doors down the hall from yours. So what caused the sound? Maybe it was just an animal outside? Or maybe someone was messing with the neighbors' property or something? 'This is some creepy shit' I thought
I walked closer and closer to the door, trying to figure out who else would be awake at this hour. Until, I saw another light in your parents' bedroom.
This time, I knew it wasn't an animal, and it definitely wasn't my mother. A pair of bright yellow eyes stared back at me. The monster resembled a zombie and before I had any other moment to think it lunged at me. I tried to push it back as best as I could, I could hear it growling as if it wanted to eat my flesh.. I looked at the beast once more in fear. I couldn't let anything take me down while I was so weak! This Zombie could kill me easily enough if I didn't move fast enough and I wouldn't hesitate to put it down too.
But it was hard to fight when my body felt like jelly and my mind wasn't functioning correctly. I reached for something, ANYTHING. My grazed a pan and I grabbed it. My grip on it got tighter, my knuckles turning white as the veins started popping out of my arm. Finally, my strength gave in to the creature and the zombie collapsed onto its side, Dead I think.
I sighed in relief and turned around towards my room, when a scream rang through the halls. The sound sent chills down my spine. Suddenly I remember My mom I stood up running into her room. "MOM" I shouted out... She was gone her body laid on the ground with those... MONSTERS eating her... I screamed out in agony. I couldn't bear the image. I turned and bolted downstairs. No one was here, but what about the monsters?! They'd be able to kill me in seconds... My mom was gone, and these things, whatever they are... Could I possibly kill them too... I'VE GOT TO DO SOMETHING!
"Help!" I screamed as loud as I could, hoping for some kind of help. Some kind of human, anybody! "Please someone, ANYONE!!"  I was cut off by a zombie biting into my skin.. I felt when it's weird rotten teeth sank into my arm. I couldn't help but to scream attracting more zombies to me... So this is the end For me... No, not yet!!

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