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Chapter 25

    Because he was absent from work for half a day, Du Cang didn't get off work until 8:30. During this period, Jude called him to ask him to pick him up from get off work, but was strictly forbidden to lose face, secretly annoyed, and never called Du Cang again.

    The old friend got off work early and lived his rich night life. The employees in the company got off work at the latest in the department he worked for, but they also got off work one after another. When the last employee came to say goodbye to him, Du Cang realized that it was very late, so he packed up and went downstairs after finishing the last bit of work at hand.

    Walking in the quiet parking lot, Du Cang suddenly stopped and looked up at Lu Yan who suddenly appeared in front of him. There were also footsteps behind him. He looked back and found that the path behind him was also blocked.

    Jun Cang loosened his wrists: "Kidnapped? There are few people, Lu Yan."

    Lu Yan smiled grimly: "Catch him, if you want to live... just live." , regardless of disability.

    Du Cang narrowed his eyes dangerously, intending to teach Lu Yan a lesson. I didn't care before because Lu Yan didn't really provoke him, but now Lu Yan made it clear that he wanted to hurt him, and there was no reason not to retaliate. In fact, Du Cang was a man who would pay his revenge. Three or four strong men from behind rushed to arrest him, and he was able to deal with these people with ease.

    New World's more than ten years of experience is not for nothing!

    Du Cang kicked the people into the air, hitting them hard and mercilessly knocking them to the ground and howling in pain. Then he walked towards Lu Yan, who kept retreating in fear. Du Cang approached step by step, first scare Lu Yan: "I really have had enough of you. Rong Jin and Song Nian, the love and hatred between you has nothing to do with me at all. I don't provoke you, but you run away. Come to provoke me, I don't speak or express my opinion, you still think I'm easy to bully?"

    Lu Yan fell to the ground in fright, Du Cang went over and kicked him a few times and still didn't relieve his hatred, he grabbed Lu Yan and raised his fist to beat him up. Lu Yan suddenly took out something and sprayed it on Du Cang's face. Du Cang smelled the mist and felt dizzy for a moment. When he tried to beat Lu Yan again, his hands and feet were weak, and the darkness was overwhelming, causing him to lose consciousness in an instant.

    Lu Yan looked at Du Cang with fear and hatred, and asked someone to remove him.

    When Ducang woke up, he found himself in a dilapidated and old warehouse, probably like the abandoned warehouses that hold hostages in all the movies. His hands and feet were tied, and he tried to twist a few times, but they were tied tightly. The burning pain in the abdomen and the corners of the lips should have been hit by Lu Yan's grandson while he was in a coma.

    "Hey—" Du Cang sucked in a breath.

    The warehouse door suddenly opened, Lu Yan walked in from the outside, and Song Nian followed behind him. Song Nian was very thin, his skin was pale, his complexion was haggard, and his expression was a little crazy. When he saw Du Cang, he was very excited. Because of the excitement, a morbid flush and excitement appeared on his face, his frighteningly thin chest kept heaving and he stepped forward and slapped Du Cang's face several times.

    "Du Cang! Why can't you let Rong Jin go? Why are you still pestering him?" He asked Du Cang as he asked.

    Du Cang pressed his tongue against his numb cheek, staring at Song Nian gloomily. Song Nian, who was mad at first, was frightened by the sight, and hurriedly grabbed Lu Yan: "Destroy him! Let Rongjin completely abandon him, hate him, hate him! Lu Yan, you help me destroy him!"

    Lu Yan is also afraid of Ducang, but he is also more disgusted. He comforted Song Nian, and because of Du Cang's murderous gaze, he instantly changed his mind to destroy him. Instead of letting this nasty person continue to live in the world, it is better to just kill it and deal with it.

    Du Cang chuckled: "You want to kill me?"

    Lu Yan was silent and acquiesced. Song Nian was a little scared, but thinking of Rong Jin, he fell silent.

    Du Cang's smile widened: "I want to kill you too."

    Lu Yan grabbed Du Cang's collar: "Now that you are in my hands, I can torture you as much as I want! Don't provoke me!"

    Du Cang nodded . , "If you want to torture me, you have to die."

    Lu Yan frowned, just as he was about to say something, he heard Du Cang whisper: "He's here..."

    Who is here?

    Du Cang hooked his lips and smiled: "My Tyrannosaurus."

    Tyrannosaurus? Just as Lu Yan was about to laugh, he heard screams from outside. He turned around, and the warehouse door shattered into powder in front of his eyes. It was a hard steel material, and even a bomb could not blow it into powder.

    The strong sense of oppression made Lu Yan almost unable to stand. Song Nian was so terrified that she kept shedding tears, holding Lu Yan's arm twitching and trembling. A figure appeared at the door of the warehouse, as if standing in the center of the whirlpool. The enormous pressure and terrifying aura made Song Nian and Lu Yan dare not look directly. They seemed to see a huge monster standing behind the man, looking down at the tiny human beings like ants, and could shoot them to death at any time.

    When an accident happened in Ducang, Jude immediately discovered that if it weren't for his unfamiliarity with the Middle Ages and his observance of certain rules of the world, he would not have found Ducang until now.

    When he saw the scars on Du Cang's body, he instead restrained the terrifying aura he was exuding. But this made him even more terrifying, like a demon king who came out of hell, with every step he took, countless substances were decomposed. This means that his rage value has reached the threshold.

    Even Du Cang had never seen Jude so angry.

    Jude held Du Cang in his arms, and the rope that tied Jude was broken into pieces in an instant. Jude looked at Lu Yan and Song Nian, like a hundred-meter-high dinosaur looking down on insects.

    "If you hurt my queen, you should be hanged. But if you hurt the tyrannosaurus's partner, you should eat it—"

    Du Cang suddenly raised his head and stared at Jude, how dare you eat it? ! Dirty or not? !

    Jude: "—Sent at the stake!"

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