He pulled me to help me stand on my feet and descended a stair, standing right in front of me as I turned to face him. A shiver ran down my spine as his hold on me tightened even as I had regained my balance.

" Thank you." I murmured in the darkness as the whole house was so silent that there was no way he didn't hear it. He just chose not to respond.

" Careful." I heard him say as he started to walk, leaving me to follow him just as I did. His study was right on the floor of my room, in fact, just next to it. He went on to stand right behind the huge Mahogany table with a glass top, on the sides were huge book shelves and right attached to the study, there was another very small room which had a huge couch and a coffee table, probably a reading space. The flooring of the room was just as dark as the furniture. The only colour pop in the room were the book shelves which were made of Italian Marble against the grey walls of the room.

I then looked at him to see his sleeves rolled right up till his elbows, tie loosened and his coat casually lying on his arm, he looked tired to say the least but even then, his stance was just as stiff and cold as he had picked up a file from the table which was lying next to the Mac.

" Your father wants you to sign this which will transfer all the shares that are in your name to your brother." He said, looking up from the file to me and to say that I was shocked would not suffice it.

" I had shares to my name?" I didn't realise that I had said it out aloud till the time I saw his head nod in acknowledgement.

I walked near to the table where he had kept the papers. I took the pen which was lying there and was just beginning to sign wherever required when his voice stopped me.

" Do you have any idea what exactly it is that you are doing Mythili?" His voice was laced with anger as he stormed towards me, snatching the papers away from me. I took a step back because his anger truly scared me. The rage in his eyes was defining.

" I...I'm just giving father what he wants." I replied, fumbling as I clutched onto my kurti tightly to prevent my nervousness.

" Never give away something that is yours, something you are entitled to. Those shares are yours and I will let your father know that you will not be signing anywhere." His eyes softened for a bit before going back to being devoid of any emotion but just for that split second, I thought there was concern in them, but then again, I was probably imagining stuff.

" I may be entitled to it but I don't want it Mr. Rathore. If I am to choose between a few shares and my self-respect, I will always choose the latter. I'd rather lead a humble life with the money that I earn, how much ever that might be than live a rich life after shredding my dignity." I told him in all honesty, looking at him in the eye.

He did not say a word but he did keep looking at me, looking like he was trying to find something and I faltered under his gaze, breaking the eye-contact, finding my bare feet suddenly interesting at easy to look at.

After a while, I found his hand placing the papers back on his desk near me before walking out of his study without a word as my eyes followed him till the door.

I sighed, sitting down as I signed the papers and then placed the paper weight on it from the table before making way to my room to finish studying for tomorrow's exam but all of a sudden, my mind was too hazy to focus on anything.

I could see the happy faces of my parents and brother after finally getting rid of me in all senses which for some god forsaken reason did hurt, even after everything they have done to me.

" Mythili you have an exam tomorrow. Stop thinking about what is not important." I chided myself and once again, focused back on my notes trying to just forget the bad feelings.

His to Love.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें