Chapter 39- Witcher

Start from the beginning

He appreciated the fact I would be okay, but he was still persistent. I never told him O was planning on staying weekends, but he knows.

One night, I was climbing up that stupid fucking tree high and I slipped. He saw me through the back window and I saw him, but neither of us said anything.

I think we both understand how much Sarah means to both of us and how much she affects everyone around her.

Because of Sarah, I am a better person. I was such an asshole before I met her.

"No, Courtney and I are just friends." James and I have been havning the same argument for the past hour.

"Then why did she tell me you two went to the movies last night?" This kid and his fucking sister.

Last night I went to the movies with Courtney because she wanted to see this new movie that came out and didn't have anyone to go with. Since I am her friend, I went with her.

Yeah, she is hot as fuck and I did make a move on her, but that is my business. She has no right to go around and tell people shit.

We kept a promise to each other that it is platonic with no hard feelings. I guess she lied, she told James everything.

"Dude, we are just friends, no need to nag me about it," I take my phone off speaker and bring my phone up to my ear.

"She likes you, Carter," his voice rang. "I didn't know that," of course I did.

"Look, I will back off for now, but she really is my friend." He pauses, "fine, I have to go."

He hangs up the phone and I toss it on the bed next to his sister who is half naked. I take my shirt off and climb up next to her.

"He sounds mad," she states.

"Mhm," I dive over her and kiss her.

That was a bitch move, I guess. I don't care though, Courtney has a nice body and it was a good time.

She is my rock, I can go to her about anything and she will be right there listening and letting me vent to her. She makes me feel like it is good in this world.

Besides the whole entity attacking my dad, James, Soran, and now Courtney, she is the constant good and I think I am ready for that change.

I want to be the good in her life. For her to take something and fix it was not on her to-do list, but she really did correct me. She at least is working on it.

If I want to be a good boyfriend and be the good in her life, I should call her parents. They seem concerned and I appreciate their effort to reach out to me.

Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I pick up my phone and click her dad's contact. My thumb hovers over the call button, I click on it.



"Hello? Carter?" Mr.Allen's voice appears.

I take a deep breath, "Hey, Mr.Allen, I got your voicemail."

"Oh, good," I wait for him to continue, "um- my wife and I would like you to come over if that is alright?"

The time on my dash reads, 8:33 pm, "sure, what time?"

"Now?" I turn the keys in the ignition.

"Yeah, we want you to come over now, are you available?" Like I'm never available...

I place the phone down to put my seatbelt on. Another thing Sarah started making me do when she drives with me, fucking safety.

"Yeah, I'll be over." He says, "see you soon" and hangs up.

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