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Climbing through a vent, Sniper was met with an empty hallway. He was there for one reason and one reason only – to fine Emma's body and bring her back home. They had tried setting off the explosives, but they didn't, someone or something prevented them from going off and that would be his other mission for being there. He wanted this all to end so he could forget about it all and move on. However, it wouldn't be so easy to forget her eyes, voice and smile. It would haunt him, but he'll just have to live with it.

Before he made his decision to return, after what had happened, they returned to the cabin and called the rest of their team. In a few hours everyone was there but Mundy made himself scarce and stood outside, thinking. He wasn't sure what he was thinking about, he couldn't focus on one thing. His thoughts consisted of Emma and their memories together. Memories. That was the only thing left of her that he had. He wanted to remember her for who she was and would cherish every moment. But suddenly an idee struck him and he need to complete it, alone.

Back at the lab walking the hallways of the place his beloved had... He felt his communicator buzz, holding it close to his ear he heard Pauling and the others on the other side. "Where the hell are you, Sniper!?" Sighing deeply Sniper wasn't in the mood for this, he was broken, he just wanted to bring her home and forget that any of that ever happened. "I know what you're doing Sniper and I'm only going to say this once. Don't do it. We will get her after the mission for now we just need to blow the place up, along with the weapon." "That weapon is exactly what got her killed!" He said through grated teeth, his voice echoing in the empty hallway. "I know, but that is the only way of stopping the BLU team and the men in Green." Sighing once more he shut the communicator off and made his way down the hallway in the general direction of the reactor. 'I will come back for you, luv.'

Gasping for air and eyes wide open waking up and meeting a bright white light hanging down from a white ceiling. Sitting up Emma felt cold and clutched the white cloth that had been draped over her to cover her, naked body? She had nothing on, besides bandages wrapped around her chest and abdomen she was completely bare of her clothes from before. The last thing she remembers was getting shot, everything went dark after that.

"It worked!" Looking to her right Emma saw a man with a lab coat with a wide smile plastered on his bearded face and his hands on his head. Looking him up and down her head felt dizzy. Not knowing who he was and if she was in danger, in one quick movement she punched him in the nose, making him step back a few feet. "Ah! I saved you!" He yelled and held his now bloody nose. "I'm supposed to be dead?" She said softly getting off the metal autopsy table, opposite from where he stood, wrapping the cloth around her waist. "Not exactly. I injected you with a serum that only made you seem dead."

Not quite listening to the man she looked around the room for her clothes or at least some pants. The man saw what she was doing and walked to one of his cabinets taking out a clean pair of boxer briefs, handing them to her, continuing while she slipped them on. "You are not safe here," Turning around packing a few things in a briefcase, "we are going down to my car and getting out of here. I will explain more in the car." Turning back around he was met only by the cloth on the floor and no Emma in the room. "Oh no..."

Walking past and down many empty halls Mundy past one in particular. Something caught his eye down the right-side passage, someone stood at an elevator door, pressing the button repeatedly. 'It can't be?' Frowning he walked towards the elevator his eyes couldn't believe what he was seeing. She had not noticed someone approach her while standing at the elevator. Finally, noticing someone's presents – she did not press the button anymore – looked at him warily her head still felt dizzy, and her pupils were dilated. His eyes became glossy, and his chest felt heavy. She thought it was a hallucination, her mind trying to make her feel better. "How are you...?" He said breathlessly, not finishing his sentence and she only smiled at him, thinking again it was only in her head and continued pressing the button to go down. Walking closer he placed a hand on her shoulder which in turn made her jump out of her skin and step away from him. "Ah! You're not supposed to be here!" She pulled her arms to her chest defensively looking him up and down. Not a hallucination!

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