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She had 3 assignments, not like the others that had more than 5, but she half expected it. Their jobs were killing people and it wasn't really necessary to collect information concerning the BLU team. She had received a communicator which she was only allowed to use if she was in danger and if she needed assistance. Her file had provided information saying if she needed assistance with a target that one or more of the others were in the area and that they would be able to help. There was also a "secret" entrance and road to the base. It wasn't that well-hidden; cardboard cut outs of rocks and shrubbery with a curtain that looked like the canyon it was in.  

Her first assignment was following the BLU teams Medic to find what experiments he was doing and if they involved life changing alterations to the human body. But the most interesting thing he did was fix his medi-gun – their Medic had told her what they call the device and that it can fix anyone in an instant. Her second assignment was watching the BLU teams base because they were told that there had been new shipments of robot parts and that they might be making more of them. Yet the day consisted of watching BLU Medic -and Engineer talk and not doing anything. She had stayed put for three days hoping something might happen, but BLU Scout had only messed around with a broken robot arm and BLU Heavy threw him with a half-broken robot head. So, all in all, it was pretty boring. She also couldn't get over the fact that they all looked the same. Scout had called her on her communicator on day two making sure she was fine, but she could hear Sniper in the background asking as well, it made her smile. 

Her third assignment was the most interesting one. She had to find something in the BLU base, but her file didn't say what. Spy and Demoman was also in the surrounding area. She snuck around the buildings looking for the hallway she saw them take the robot parts last time. She thought maybe it had something to do with that, but as she snuck around, she heard voices as she passed a window. Sitting below it she heard the BLU Engineer talking to someone, but the other person was not one of them. He had an American accent, she'll give him that, but it wasn't Soldier and there wasn't any other Americans part of the BLU team or RED team.

"When will you start?" The unknown man asked, a long pause was heard before BLU Engineer spoke. "Ah'll start as soon as possible and it might be done by next month." "Next month?! We don't have time till then. You have to get it done by next week. You understand?!" Flinching at the unknown mans raised voice she heard BLU Engineer sigh deeply. "Ah'll see what Ah can do." "Good." Hearing a door open she assumed he was leaving. Another long pause occurred and then the other man spoke lowly and reconditely. "Oh, I also heard the RED team has a new member."

Emma instantly frowned at his words. How did he find out? She knew the BLU team would spy on them and see her but how would they know if she was a part of their team or not? She especially wondered how the unknown man could have found out. "I'd keep an eye on them if I were you." Hearing the door close she looked, cautiously, through the window with BLU Engineer's back to her holding a file in hand. Taking note of how the file looked and what building he was in she snuck away. She had to report it to Pauling, it might be something life threatening if they do not find out what it was. 

Back at the RED base she swiftly walked to her room, receiving worried glances from the guys. Scout walked beside her wanting to ask what's wrong but got cut off by her raised finger, "Not now, Scout." Stopping just before her door she closed the door in his face, making him slightly upset that she was upset. Calling Pauling on her communicator it barely rang before Pauling's face came to the screen and voice boomed out of it, "What's wrong?! Are you hurt?!" "NO! No, it's not that. I think I have something you need to know, now!" Frowning slightly, Pauling nodded.

Telling her everything she heard; that whatever they want to do should be done by next week and that whoever that person was, it was not someone they knew. Soaking everything up her frown only deepened, "I think I should explain my side of the story." Sitting on her bed Emma listened intently. "We didn't really know about the unknown man you mentioned, but we did know something about the file. We don't know what's in the file, but we know it's something bad and that we have to get it before it's too late." "So, what do we do?" Emma asked out of pure worry. "I'm coming over there right now and we will work out a plan of action. For now, go tell the others of your finding. I will see you now." Before Emma could say anything, Pauling had ended the call.

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