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Packing up the little things she had left stuffing them into a duffle bag and made her way to the door. Writing on the boxes near the front door 'donations'. Making her way out of the house, locking the front door and placing the key in an envelope to drop off at the bank. She barely had enough money to take care of herself let alone a house.

Her parents had passed away a month ago, her father went first and then her mother. It was not a tragic death, both died of old age. They only had her when they were in their late thirties, so it wasn't really all that shocking to her, but she was still broken. Her father had left her a letter, telling her about a place where he previously worked at, a few states away, in New Mexico. She would be safe there and could use her skills her father had taught her. At first, she thought that she might never need that but after recent events she had no other option. She had no money, and nobody wanted to hire her, she only hoped that wherever she was going the people would be more flexible or kinder.

"Bye old house of mine." She whispered to herself looking back at her childhood home making her way to the bus stop. Standing at the bus stop she thought about the place her father talked about in the letter. On the map it was just a small town in an empty desert with little to no inhabitants, but she knew her father wouldn't send her on a wild goose chase. Remember RED is your friend. She thought back on the letter. What did he mean? Getting on the bus she leaned back making herself comfortable and preparing herself for the long trip ahead of her.


Waking up from a bump in the road Emma saw nothing but a flat rocky wasteland and a few canyons in the distance as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Looking at her map and the coordinates her farther had left her she was close to where she needed to be. It has also been about three weeks since she received the letter and finally managed to find the town and place she was looking for. These people did not want to be found.

The bus passed a sign saying, 'Welcome to -eufo-t', some of the letters were missing. What am I getting myself into? Arriving at a small town she barely got off the bus when it sped off leaving her in a cloud of dust. Coughing slightly and blinking rapidly she squinted at the bus. "Thanks a lot." Lucky her she wore a silk like red scarf around her head and just placed the one side over her mouth and nose.

Holding her duffel bag by the handles she turned around to look at the town '-eufo-t'. It seemed abandoned with little movement behind the windows. "Where do I go from here Dad?" She thought aloud dropping the scarf but got the attention of a middle-aged man near the bus stop wearing a dark green jacket.

"You looking for something Miss?" He asked walking closer, Emma eyed him meticulously nodding to answer his question. "Where are you heading?" Choosing her words wisely she answered. "I'm looking for an old friend of mine who might be living here?" Thinking back on her father's words, red was her friend, she had to slip that in somehow without it seeming suspicious. "I think they said something about their house being red?" The man stood in front of her looking her up and down, noticing the red scarf around her head. "Well, the only red house around here is a bit more in the desert." He said rocking on his heels. "Could you point me in the right direction?" She asked pointing with her free hand to the desert. "Sure, but I'll do you one better. I can take you there," That was exactly what she was trying to avoid, "but I can only take you so far, your friend doesn't really like visitors."

Frowning at his words she looked past him into the desert. Maybe she should hitch a ride with him and not take her chances alone. "Ok, but do I need to pay or...?" "No no, my treat. It is not often that we get to see a pretty face around here. My cars parked over there." Turning slightly, he pointed his thumb behind him. Looking over his shoulder she saw a white convertible with a few dents and scrapes. Sighing silently, she followed him and got into the passenger seat, throwing her bag in the back seat. The engine didn't quite roar to life, but it did at least come to life.

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