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Sitting on the couch, in the room where they came in. Emma and 9 men sat and watched each other intently, she only met six of them and only knew one of their "names". The area they sat in was probably the living room/ dining room/ kitchen because there was a medium sized round metal table near the front- and kitchen door, that also had a window where they could past to get food.

The couch she sat on was shared with the man named Scout and another with a gas mask. It was turned away from the TV facing the middle where some of the other men had grabbed chairs from the dining table, others standing, creating a half circle around her. Holding her duffle bag, she had no idea who was going to talk first and whether she should just keep her mouth shut. Finally breaking the silence, the Texan spoke, "Everyone this is Miss Emily Shallow." Pointing his gloved hand towards her she only smiled awkwardly and waved. "Miss Shallow Ah would like ya ta meet the RED team. Ah'm Engineer that on your right is Scout and to your left Pyro." "Hey sweet cheeks, we met before." Sticking his right hand out she hesitantly shook it, not hearing anything from Pyro. "Than there is Heavy, Soldier, Spy, Medic and Sniper, ya met them earlier." Looking at the men she met before, the man named Heavy was the man she bumped into before she got shot and then tackled. It also made more sense why the Frenchman wore a balaclava. "Then there's Demoman." Looking at the one-eyed snoring man with a bottle of alcohol in his arms she hummed, acknowledging everyone in the room.

Choosing her words carefully she spoke softly, "That's great and all but what does this place have to do with my father?" "Your fayther was the previous engineer, that is how he knew where we were. But we can't figure out why he sent ya here. Do ya?" Thinking it over she had no idea herself, her father merely suggested to come here and use her skills. It was all her idea to come and in reality, she had nowhere else to go and this was her last and maybe not best option. "I don't know, he said that I would be safe here and that I could probably use my talents." 'Not the full story.' "What are youah talents?" The Bostonian piped in turning his body to look at her better, he was the only one that showed interest and was friendly. "Well, that depends, what is it you people do here anyway?"

Everyone shared glances, they especially looked at Engineer and he himself didn't know if they were allowed to tell her. They had already revealed their code names, she knew about her father and where their base was. While everyone had skeptical looks on their faces Sniper had leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed and his eyes slightly covered with his hat. The new girl had everyone in a frenzy, even Spy was a little on edge, but he was glad everyone kept their guard up. However, he knew it might take forever for them to decide if they should tell her or not, so he spoke lowly and calmly. "We ayere mercenaries. We get jobs, complete them and get paid." Engineer wanted to protest but knew it was the short answer. "Well... yeah, Ah guess his right, nothin' more too it." Soaking up the information Emma felt a surge of fear pump through her. "Wait, so in simpler terms, you kill people for a living and get paid?" "Yup." "Mhmm." Receiving answers from both the people next to her she swallowed thickly.

"Where will I be staying for the night?" She asked abruptly breathing slowly, both Sniper and Spy noticed the change in atmosphere eyeing one another. "Ya only want to stay for the night?" Sighing and eyeing everyone in the room she spoke unconfidently. "Well, if you want me to stay longer, I could." Nodding at her answer he spoke once more. "We don't really hayve an extra room but Ah thank we can work somethin' out. Heavy, ya mind helpin' me?" "Heavy don't mind." Both standing up they left walking down another passage.

Sitting patiently Scout spoke with her, asking the normal questions. What's her age, where did she grow up, did she have a pet growing up etc. He was an energetic guy with an infectious smile. Pyro was most of the time quiet or he said something, but she had no idea what he was saying. Everyone listened to them talking, commenting every once in a while, they seemed very cold towards her but tried sounding friendly. Demoman had finally woken up but was oblivious to Emma's presents and only went to his room.

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