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a/n - i know i'm having ethan bounce in between rachel and chloe, but i want this to focus more on rachel and him. chloe'll happen after :)

Damn it...

I got dressed in a weird crow looking costume. A black top with blue feathers for shoulder pads and black jeans, a beak on the top of my head with blue makeup on my face. Bandages all over my cuts to hide them.

I can't believe I let Rachel talk me into this.

I looked around and saw the script.

There's no fucking way I can memorize this. I guess we'll just have to wing it.

~Time skip to before play entrance~
Rachel - Prospero
Ethan - Ariel

Prospero: Come away, servant, come!
Oh, shit! That's me.
Ariel: All hail, great mistress. I come to answer thy best pleasure.
Prospero: Most fearless, generous spirit! Hast thou performed the tempest that I bade thee?
Ariel: I boarded the Kings's ship; in every cabin, I flamed amazement. The fire and cracks of sulfurous roaring the most mighty Neptune seem'd to besiege and make his bold waves tremble.
Prospero: My brave spirit! Who was so firm, so constant, that this coil will not infect his reason?
Ariel: Not a soul. The King's son. Ferdinand, was the man that leaped from his ship... and cried... "Hell is empty, and all the devils are here!"
Prospero: But are they, Ariel, safe?
*Ariel walked to the top of the stage shipwreck*
Ariel: Not a hair perished, and, as thou bad'st me... I have dispersed them 'bout the isle... In troops!
Prospero: Ariel, thy charge exactly is performed. But there's more work.
Ariel: Is here more toil? Let me remember thee what thou hast promised.
Prospero: How now? What is't thou canst demand?
Ariel: My liberty!
Prospero: Thy liberty? Nay! This most of all I will not grant!
That's not her line... What is she doing?
Ariel: But thou assured my freedom... didn't thou?
Prospero: I never said how dearly I hold thee; my habits been to keep my soul well-draped. Most loyal spirit... companion and friend... Is acting in my service not replete with excitement, amusement, and delight?
Ariel: Of course, mistress.. most truly is it so.

Those sweet green eyes. This isn't Prospero and Ariel talking, it's us.

Prospero: Then why, I pray you, wish you to be free?
Ariel: Excitement age's quickly... and I fear.. If we set out in search of new.. enjoyment... you'll tire of me, and then I'll be alone.

Rachel smashes the staff she has in her hand against the ground.

Prospero: I have thee in my grasp; I will not bend. I will not see thee flying forth alone! The envy would be more than I could bear.
Ariel: So come with me! Is that not in thy pow'r?

Rachel dropped to a knee.

Prospero: Spirit, take my hands, most faithful friend. For but a little longer I beseech: continue in thy service to my schemes.

She grabbed my hand with both of hers.

Prospero: And when they are complete, I swear to thee- We shall fly beyond this isle- the corners of the world our mere prologue. I'll seem to make thy happiness so great the even the name of liberty's forgot. What sayest thou to my most hopeful wish?

Sounds like she's asking us to get married.

"Say yes!!" Someone from the crowd yelled.

Ariel: Yes.
Prospero: I am most pease. Your duty, done for now.

I walked off stage to the curtains.

"That was amazing!" Juliet hugged me.


Life Is Strange: Before The Storm x Male Reader! OCWhere stories live. Discover now