Rachel Amber

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"Ugh, my backs killing me." I stood up from Chloe's floor.

I've lived with Chloe ever since my mom passed. Theres no more rooms though so I stay in hers.

"It's probably from the floor. You knoww, I don't have a problem with you sleeping on my bed."
"Yeah, well. I would feel horrible for taking up all your room." I stretched.

We got all of our stuff for school and started to head out but Joyce caught our attention.

"Ethan! How's it going?" She waved at me.
"Pretty good Joyce, how about you?" I waved back.
"Pretty good, you kids need a ride to school?" David can give you one."
"No it's alright, I have my car in the driveway."
Chloe looked miserable throughout the conversation as we were talking, so i cut it off short.
"You know what, I think it's time for us to go so we won't be late. See you later Joyce!" I waved bye as we walked out the front door.

We got in my car and drove off to school.

School at Blackwell Academy isn't as easy as people think it is. Sure it's somewhat fancy, but the students there are the worst. Most of them at least.

We got to school, parking in the parking lot right next to the front yard. Steph and Mikey where playing dungeons and dragons on the table so we walked up to them.

"Hey guys!" I said to them as I sat next Mikey.
"Hey Ethan! Chloe! I have the movie you asked for. Maze runner, directors cut." She hander Chloe a disk.
"Sweet, thanks. How much do I owe you?"
"Nothing, just glad someone appreciates the directors cut." While they were talking, I started talking to Mikey.

We talked for a while and played some DND but then it was time for us to head to chem class.

"See you guys!" I waved at them as Chloe and I walked away.

I was about to open the door to the school but Rachel Amber opened it.

"Ethan! Chloe! I've been looking for you, come on!"

She grabbed my hand so I grabbed Chloe's and she dragged us to the room the Drama Club was practicing in.

"I do beseech you, chiefly that I might set in my prayers: what is your name?"
"Miranda... Oh, my father! I have broke your hest to say so!"

As Hayden and Dana were practicing their scene Rachel turned to me and smiled. I was confused and turned to Chloe, who looked angry.

"Mr. Keaton, sorry to interrupt, but does this look better? I had my mom take it in a bit." Rachel started talking to the teacher, and spun to show her outfit for the school play. As she spun she winked at me and Chloe looked angrier.

"Mroww, looking good, Rache."
"Very cool."
"Exquisite, Rachel. As always." Everyone began complimenting her and I can see why. She's Rachel Amber.

"Mr. Keaton, I'm still having trouble with, 'My affections are then most humble; I have no ambition to see a goodlier man.' I mean... does she really mean that?" Dana asked Mr. Keaton.

"Yeah, that is hard. We've talked about that line forever. We need a fresh perspective." Rachel said as she walked up to me and grabbed me by the waist, walking me forward.

"The question is: are Miranda's feelings of instant passion for Ferdinand just inexperience and dramatic circumstances or... has she actually just met the love of her life?" Chloe walked up next to me as Rachel held me.

"Uh, sometimes when you meet someone, you just know that they are going to change your life, so, you don't want to let go."

"Wow, a romantic. That actually kinda helps me, thanks." Dana smiled at me.

The bell rang and everyone walked away except us three.

"I'll just be a minute." Rachel said to us as she walked into the other room.

I started walking around, looking at all the Drama Club stuff and realized Chloe was standing in the same spot and looked angry.

"Hey, you okay?" I walked up to her.
"Fan-fucking-tastic." She crossed her arms.
"Riiight. What's wrong?"
"I just didn't know you knew Rachel Amber."
"I don't, really. We basically met last night."
"What? Me being friends with Rachel upsets you?"
"No it's not.. Never mind." She threw her hands up and to her sides. I just don't get why she's so upset.

After a few minutes of silence, Rachel walks back out in her normal clothes.

"You guys wanna go on a field trip?"

"Pff. No thanks." Chloe scoffed and walked away.

"Alright, what about you, Ethan?"

"You have to ask??"

We smiled at each other and left the school, and walking towards the train tracks.

"So what are we doing here again?"
"You'll see."

a/n- dw!! its not the end for Chloe, i just want to change some things up a bit.

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