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a/n- hey all! i hope u enjoy this story!

Arcadia Bay, Oregon. It's a quiet town in the middle of nowhere. I've lived here all my life and have never left. I like it though, it's just been me and my mom ever since I was born, until she passed a few months ago.

I've never had many friends either. Just two. Max and Chloe. We've been friends since we were kids but Max moved to Seattle a couple of years ago so it's just been Chloe and I. Max doesn't respond to our texts. I wish she would.

"Yo! Ethan! You good?" I heard Chloe's voice call out to me as we were walking to the abandoned barn house.

"Shit, yeah sorry." She looked at me with worried eyes.

She's a tall girl, but I'm taller. About 5'10 or so.

"Okay, we're almost theree!" She grabbed my arm and shook it in excitement.

"Yes we are!" I smiled wide as the barn house came into view.

We walked for a few more minutes, hopping a fence and walking up to the bouncer.

Chloe and him had some words but I wasn't really paying attention. What had my attention was a trailer parked in front of the place. It looked a lot like Frank's but he wasn't standing in front of it.

"Ethaaann come onnn." I got pulled by Chloe, into the barn house and it immediately got 10x louder. There were people relaxing or passed out drunk at what looked to be a bar. There was a doorway to where the actual concert was though.

"Chloe! Check it!" I pointed to it.
"Holy shit that's a lot of fucking people."
"I'm going in!" I smirked at her.
"I'll be there in a sec, I wanna get some merch."
"Get me somethin please." I shouted as I walked into the crowd.

I was jamming out to their music but saw a familiar face in the crowd so I went over.

"Rachel Amber?!" I had to shout over the music.
"Ethan?!" She looked excited to see me.
"Never thought I'd see you at a Firewalk concert!"
"I love their music." She had a crazy rock hairdo and a really punk outfit.
"I'm digging the look!"
"Thanks!" She laughed and we jammed out some more.

After a couple of minutes I went to go look for Chloe, thinking she should be with me by now. Rachel followed me.

I saw Frank laying on the couch.

"Yo Frank, have you seen Chloe?"
"She's upstairs." He took a puff of his joint.
"Awesome, thanks."

I went up to look for her and saw some scrawny dudes squaring her up.

"Yo! Dickhead! The fuck are you guys doing?"
They immediately turned and Chloe hit one in the face with a beer bottle and kicked the other in the balls.

"Come on!" I grabbed her and Rachel's hands and ran back to the concert.

The rest of the night was amazing.

Life Is Strange: Before The Storm x Male Reader! OCWhere stories live. Discover now