No More Blackhell

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"So, you skipped with Rachel, stole a bottle of wine, found this cool junkyard and then she started the forrest fire?" Chloe looked at me as we walked towards David and Joyce.
"Tell me about it." As we got close to them, Eliot stopped us, mainly Chloe.
I hate this guy. Such a creep.
"Hey Chloe! What brings you to school on a saturday morning? Nothing good I bet."
"We just got expelled."
"Wait really? Holy shit."
"I know. I'm surprised it took this long too."
"Do you want a hug?"
"If she needs one, I can give it to her." I stood slightly in front of her.
"Um. Okay. Was Rachel Amber involved?" He looked slightly angry at me.
"And let me guess, did she get off scott-free?"
"Well, she was with Ethan. Not me."
"She did try to cover me though." I spoke up.
"Anyway, what are you doing here?"
"I.. Thought I should come early to grab tickets." He sounded nervous.
"Tickets for what?"
"For the Tempest? Chloe and I said we might see it together."
"Sorry to break it to you, Elliot but Chloe's ditching the show. We just got expelled so why would we wanna come back?"
"Right." He sounded really dissatisfied.
"You don't mind, right?" Chloe tried to stop him from getting more upset.
"It's totally cool. No problem."
It is definitely not cool with him.
"Next time, okay?"
"We better get going. See you around." I grabbed Chloe by the shoulder and walked us away.

"Thanks for that." She sighed.
"Tickets on a saturday? Really? There's something wrong about that kid." I rubbed her back.
"Tell me about it." She looked at me and smiled.

We walked up to David and Joyce.

"It's about damn time." He sounded stern as ever.
"David, please." Joyce sounded almost annoyed with him.
"Chloe, your mother and I have been talking."
"Can we do this later? I don't think I can handle another fight right now." Chloe sounded stressed out, and for good reason.
"I don't need a conversation. Not with Sergeant Asshat here. I just need some space ." She crossed her arms.
"Do not use that language with your mother."
"Hey! Lay off alright. Jesus christ, what is your problem?" I put my arm in front of Chloe.
"My problem is that you two no good delinquents can't handle your basic responsibilities of going to school. Maybe if you'd try listening to me, instead of fighting me about everything, you might actually learn a thing or two."
"What? Like how to have no job? Or how to be a soldier?" I was getting pissed off.
"Soldiers put family and future above self and now. Getting kicked out of school? That's what losers do."
"You guys had scholarships. Do you know what that means? What kind of opportunity you gave up? Do you want to work at a diner?" Joyce spoke up.
"There's nothing wrong with working at a diner, mom!" Chloe walked in front of me.
"Chloe, I'm proud to wait tables because it means you can be whatever you want to be. But what is that, Chloe. What do you want?"
"Maybe... I don't know yet."
"Maybe, you've had long enough to to figure it out. Right now what I need most of all, is for you three to start getting along."
"From now on, I will be assisting Joyce in a few areas. Like making sure that you guys are no longer abusing drugs or alcohol."
For this whole conversation I've just been watching. I feel so bad for Chloe.
"I want both of you guys to empty your pockets and place all your belongings on the trunk of the car. And when you get home Ethan, I'm going to inspect your car."
"Are you fucking kidding me? Joyce?" I spoke up after a while.
"If we are going to start over, we have to know that you guys are not abusing drugs. If you're not, you should be eager for the chance to
prove it."
"Fine. You are going to look so fucking stupid." I said, angrily as Chloe and I placed all of our stuff on the trunk. Packs of cigarettes, some gum, her house keys and my car keys, a couple of pens and our phones.
"Guess who looks stupid now." We crossed our arms.
"Guys, I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" Joyce walked up to us.
"You know what. I need a breather. Let's bounce, Chloe."
"Yeah, fuck this."
"Wait. Before you guys go, David needs to tell you something."
"Joyce and I have agreed that the best thing for us moving forward is for me to move in."
"You know what? I don't want to think about that right now."
"Me neither."
We grabbed our stuff and walked to my car, getting in and driving away.


Chloe and I were sitting on an old speedboat at the junkyard, smoking our cigarettes and just keeping each other company.

"This fucking sucks." She spoke up.
"What does?"
"Everything. We can't go home, no more Blackwell, and my step douche is moving in."
"Yeah, well-" I jumped off the boat onto the ground.
"-At least we got each other and this junkyard." I held my hand out to help her and she grabbed it jumping off as well.
"Now what do you say we try to see if one of these cars can drive."
"I doubt it. Why do we need another car?"
"Well Chloe, mine is on it's last legs so why not try to get an upgrade?"
"So you think getting a replacement in a dump like this is going to be better?"
"You never know."

We scoured around for a few minutes.

"Hey! Ethan check this out." Chloe shouted so I walked to her and saw a truck.
"Oh wow. She doesn't look so bad."
"Think it still works?"
"Not sure, lets see." I smiled at her and popped the hood open.
"Oh jeez. This engine is all kinds of fucked up. Let's start with this battery." I took out the battery and threw it on the ground.

After looking and finding a new battery, we popped it into the hood.

"Alright, here goes nothing." I hopped in the drivers seat and tried to turn on the car with a screwdriver, but the engine didn't turn.

Man, this needs more love than I can give right now.

My phone vibrated so I checked and saw that Rachel was texting a new group-chat she made with me and Chloe.

R: grabbing something from home, then i'll meet you guys at the junkyard.
E: you better!!

"You see the text?" I asked Chloe.
"Yup. Hey, I wanted to ask you something."
"What's up?" I was still sitting in the drivers seat but facing Chloe.
"So.. You and Rachel, are you guys a thing?"
She walked a little closer to me.
"Why? You jealous?" I chuckled.
No way. I used to have feelings for Chloe but that was forever ago. I've moved on now.
"Jealous?! Yeah, right. You wish." Her face turned a little pink.
"You sound a little nervous."
"Noooo. No way. I never get nervous. That was a Max thing."
"You never answered the question."
"Well. What do you want to hear?" I stood up and walked up to her.
"It's not about what I want to hear." Her face got more red.
Could she really be into me? This is making things more complicated.
"Really? Cause it sounds like you want me to say no."
"U-uh. I- that's -"
"Relax. I'm messing with you." I stepped back.
"O-oh." She let out a sigh.
"The truth is, I'm not sure. Rachel's really cool but, she's not really what I'm looking for, you know? It's... complicated." I sat back down in the car, scooting over so she can sit.
"Come on in, Price." I patted the seat next to me.
"Whatever." She chuckled and sat down, closing the door behind her.

My phone vibrated and I saw that Frank was calling me so I put him on speaker.

"Frank? What's up?"
"Pierson. Price with you?"
"Always." I looked at her and we smiled.
"Good, cause I need you guys."
"Sure? We in trouble?"
"I don't know, is there a reason you should be in trouble?"
"You mean, in general? Or to you?"
"Whatever. Where are you guys?"
"The junkyard north of town."
"Perfect, I'll be there in an hour."
"Oookay." He hung up.

"That was weird." She said.
"Tell me about it." I chuckled as I put a cigarette in my mouth and lit it.
"What do you want to do until then?" Chloe asked as I gave her a cigarette.
"Take a nap. I am exhausted." I laid back in the chair with my feet on the dashboard.

I leaned on Chloe's shoulder, drifting away to sleep.

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