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17 October 2000 - 4.15 a.m.

JESLINA was rushed to the emergency room as soon as she arrived at the hospital. The private doctor who escorted Jeslina handed a complete report on Jeslina's latest condition to a local physician - Dr. Ameer Singh.

According to the report, Jeslina was in a stable condition though she had yet to gain consciousness. Her heartbeat and blood pressure were normal. Jeslina did not need any assistance from any life-saving machines. She could breathe on her own. And that meant her brain was still functioning. Normally, a patient suffering from a coma would need assistance from a machine. If within a week, there was no change in the condition, most probably the brain would already be dead and the patient would be expected to die soon. 

Fortunately, nothing happened to Jeslina during the long flight from LaGuardia Airport to Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). The private doctor and nurses were quite efficient in monitoring Jeslina's condition. They successfully overcame the continental and air pressure changes throughout the flight. Their competencies saved Jeslina from any complication that could possibly arise. 

After a further examination to ascertain Jeslina's condition, Dr. Ameer Singh, finally, directed the hospital staff to check Jeslina in a VIP ward, as requested by Datuk Harun. Moments later, Dr. Ameer Singh met with Datuk Harun, Datin Rubiah, and Nor Alia in his office. 

"Datuk... actually, your granddaughter is not in a coma."

Datuk Harun, Datin Rubiah, and Nor Alia were not surprised. 

"She just fainted."

"We know that, doctor. But it's a long story. I brought my granddaughter home because I've lost confidence in the level of professionalism of the hospital over there, especially, where a patient's safety is concerned," Datuk Harun explained. 

"I did a further examination. Everything is okay... no problem. Jeslina's brain is functioning as usual... normal. Only..."

"Yes..?" Datuk Harun waited impatiently.

"Jeslina's blood contained a certain drug, I mean medicine, that's normally given to patients who're unable to control themselves. For example, a patient suffering from trauma. The level of the drug in Jeslina's blood seemed a little higher than usual. But... don't worry, Jeslina will be fine," Dr. Ameer Singh explained professionally.

"But why is my granddaughter still unconscious, doctor?" Datin Rubiah asked. 

"As I said earlier, Datin. The drug level was higher than what's usually subscribed to a patient. It needs time," Dr. Ameer Singh explained. 

"What's the risk, doctor?" Nor Alia cut in. 

"Depends on her body's resistance level," Dr. Ameer Singh revealed, diplomatically. 

"If not..." Lines appeared on Datuk Harun's face. 

This time, Dr. Ameer Singh remained silent for a moment. "Let us all pray, Datuk. Let's hope Jeslina is strong enough to resist the drug's effect. Frankly... a patient with a low body resistance, could be fatal." Dr. Ameer Singh was forced to tell the truth about the worst that could happen to Jeslina. 

"Oh, God..." Datuk Harun exclaimed. It has been too long since he uttered the holy name. Datin Rubiah could not contain her tears. So, too, Nor Alia. 

"We'll do our best, Datuk... Datin."

"Can we see Jeslina, doctor?" Datin Rubiah asked. 

"Certainly." Dr. Ameer Singh picked up the phone and spoke to the nurse. Five minutes later, a nurse walked into his office. 

PERSONAL JUSTICE by Ramlee Awang MurshidKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat