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14 October 200 - 4.15 a.m.

GABRIEL stretched on his right side, facing the window. His ears faintly caught the voice of someone reciting the holy words. Slowly, he opened his eyes. It was Hilman, alright, sitting cross-legged on a towel that was still unused. Hilman had just completed his night prayers.

Gabriel grabbed the watch on the table. He yawned. It was still dawn. He stirred slowly, rose and walked to the bathroom. Hilman stopped when he heard the bathroom door opened and the sound of running water from the faucet. 

Moments later, Gabriel walked out from the bathroom. He sat on the bed edge, watching Hilman. His heart debated, how could this man drink. After all, he was accused of driving while in a drunk state that resulted in an accident and a death. 

While Gabriel was mulling over the facts, Hilman stood up. He folded the towel and hung it over the chair. He turned to Gabriel. A smile flashed from his lips. 

"Sorry... for disturbing your sleep," Hilman said. He sat on the bed edge facing the window with his back to Gabriel. 

"It's okay. I woke up because I had to pee."

Hilman sighed deeply. 

"Oh, forget it... don't worry. Everything'll return to normal soon," Gabriel calmed Hilman, turning the electric kettle on. The water inside the kettle was still untouched. He had it reheated. After it was done, Gabriel made two cups of coffee. 

"Have a drink. I haven't stirred in the sugar, yet," Gabriel said handing a cup to Hilman.

"Thank you."

Hilman took the cup. He stirred the coffee with the spoon to dissolve the sugar. Then he took a sip and put the cup down on the table.

"What are you going to do after this, ASP?" Gabriel asked. 

"Call me Hilman," Hilman smiled. He'd like to tell the same to Daljit. To call him by his name instead of ASP.


Gabriel sat on a chair, facing Hilman. "So... what're you going to do after this, Hilman?" Gabriel repeated his question.

Hilman shook his head.

"Don't know yet. I've never been a fugitive before," Hilman said looking at Gabriel. "But... for me to surrender... uh-uh," Hilman continued. 

"Gabriel nodded without looking at Hilman.

 "Gabriel... have you been doing this for long?"

"Err... what do you mean?" Gabriel was taken aback by the question.

"You're an undercover here in America?" Hilman asked again. 

Gabriel laughed. 

"And your name is..?"

"Gabriel Pereira... a Portuguese from Malacca... ha ha."

"A policeman never loses his identity wherever he goes," Hilman said. "Which section are you from? Interpol?" Hilman pressed on.

"M.I.A." Gabriel replied deliberately. 

"M.I.A... Malaysian Intelligence Agency," Hilman said. 

"Yes..." Gabriel nodded. 

"I received direction from Kuala Lumpur to help you, Hilman. Not to help you escape from police custody, mind you." Gabriel told the truth. "I was asked to find evidence and I've already got one."

Hilman narrowed his eyes. He was inclined to listen to what Gabriel had to say. Seemed like Gabriel was laying some hope to uncover the truth that involved his life and that of Jeslina's.

PERSONAL JUSTICE by Ramlee Awang MurshidUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum