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9 October 2000 - 9.30 a.m.

MIA SARA sat on a chair near the bed. She looked at Hilman with sad eyes. The man's condition had not changed, lying lifeless with terrible look. Tears welled in Mia Sara's eyes, though she tried to control her sadness. She tried to stay normal.

"Hilman, wake up quick. Jeslina needs you by her side," Mia Sara whispered. Expressing her hopes. "I, too, need you by my side, Hilman. Wake up," she pleaded.

The willfulness that she expressed wholeheartedly made her emotional. The tears that welled in her eyes finally fell. Quickly she wiped the tears from moistening her cheeks. The policeman on duty coughed three or four times. But Mia Sara just ignored him. Only after she thought she had regain control over her emotions did she looked up. 

"Hilman, I have to go now. I'll be back tomorrow," Mia Sara said, as if Hilman was conscious. And when she stood up to go, suddenly Hilman grabbed her hand. Mia Sara was shocked.

"Who are you?" Hilman's voice was flat.

"Thank God you're awake, Mr. Hilman."

Mia Sara sat down again. The police officer stood up. Ready to act should Hilman go through a rage again.

"Who are you?" Hilman repeated his question.

"I am..." Mia Sara thought a while. She didn't want Hilman to know that she was the recipient of part of the man's heart. The time was not right.

"I am... Angel." Mia Sara had to lie. She had the reason to lie. Mia Sara presented Hilman with a smile. Hilman looked intently at Mia Sara's face.

"Angel?" Hilman looked around the ward room. "Am I dead?" His lifeless eyes returned to Mia Sara's face.

"No, Mr. Hilman. You are now in a hospital. Please be patient," Mia Sara tapped on Hilman's hand spontaneously.

"Malaysian?" Hilman asked.

Mia Sara nodded. 

"Why is there a police here?" Hilman asked again.

Mia Sara remained silent for a long while.

"Miss Angel..." Hilman was still looking at Mia Sara. 

"Let me be honest, Mr. Hilman. The truth is... you're accused of driving under the influence of alcohol which had caused an accident." Mia Sara forced herself to tell as it was. 

"I wasn't drunk."

Hilman tried to sit up. But his whole body felt heavy. His head was spinning. He moved his left hand that was cuffed to the bedpost. The police officer stood up again and walked closer to the patient's bed. His hand going over his baton.

"It's alright. Don't worry. He's just confused," Mia Sara explained to the police officer. The man in uniform nodded. 

"Be patient. Mr. Hilman. We're working to free you from the allegations."

"We?" Hilman asked. 

"Yes. The Malaysian Embassy," Mia Sara explained.

"My daughter. How is she?" Hilman asked again after a long silence. Mia Sara sighed softly.

"Your daughter... is sleeping," again, Mia Sara had to lie about Jeslina's real condition.

"I have to go now, Mr. Hilman."

"Thank you, Miss Angel," Hilman said.

Mia Sara smiled. She squeezed Hilman's arm. Hilman was surprised when Mia Sara secretly handed him a small syringe that was still in wrap, away from the policeman's eyes.

"I need your blood sample, Mr. Hilman," Mia Sara whispered. She was still smiling.

Hilman nodded slightly. He understood what Mia Sara had meant. Slowly, he released Mia Sara's hand. And as quickly, he hid the syringe under the mattress.  

PERSONAL JUSTICE by Ramlee Awang MurshidWhere stories live. Discover now