Part 21: "Hey, sweetheart."

Start from the beginning

As Josie pushed open the cracked wooden door, a few chips of white paint flew off landing heaven knows where. Then the smell walloped her all at once. The sawdust on the floor was clumped together, coated with the pungent smell of fermented yeast. The patrons of this establishment hardly smelled any better. Many looked as if they had been here since the night before, and others looked like they'd been on the ride all day. Those who weren't exhaustedly hunched over their mugs were instead huddled close with their friends, swapping stories that required vivid hand imagery. The alcohol must be cheap then, as this place was bustling with patrons. The evening was promising to get livelier as well. Josie noted the musicians setting up in one of the corners.

Although Alaric looked just as worn as the rest of the tavern, it was always easy to spot him. The last remaining pieces of expensive clothing (from a time long ago) stood out against the dull colours of the rest of the room. He wasn't the only lonely patron at a sullen table, though his was in the corner furthest from the door. Everyone else sat at tables closer to the fire, or the bar, or the small raised platform to Josie's left.

Even here, when he had more in common with those around him, he made himself separate, othered, and above. The reality of home seemed to weigh on Josie's shoulders, reminding her of how free she had been for the last few months. Still tethered of course. But there was Hope, and sometimes Penelope, and a shit ton more to see and do then at their estate. And this was Josie's first time in town. There must be more things to do that she doesn't even know about. Which is why this little trip of her fathers needed to be stopped.

As she approached the table, she can already see that her father is a bit drunk. It's even more apparent once she sees Thomas, the Saltzman's footman, coming back with a pitcher of water, and trying to pry the tankard of beer out of her fathers hand.

"My lord, please. The sun has barely winked below the tree line."

"So you want me to drink that?!" Alaric shoved him away sloppily, his dexterity far too impaired to actually be successful, but Thomas pulled away regardless. "And who are you to tell me what to do."

It was at that moment that Thomas noticed the other Saltzman. They both exchanged the same look that only a drunk Alaric could cause you to learn, although his was definitely more strained. Josie quickly calculated the distance they travelled and did not doubt the exhaustion in the poor boys shoulders.

"Good day my lady, how doth thee fair?" He bowed slightly as he said this, abandoning his struggle with Alaric.

"Fairer than thou, surely." Josie responds, and at her voice, Alaric shoots up straight, almost choking on the gulp he was in the middle of taking. "I think I can take it from here."

"Thank you kindly, my lady." Thomas' shoulders sagged in relief, and he was already scurrying away before another word could be said. But with him gone, so too was the safety buffer of another person. Alaric wasn't violent when he was drunk, but he did get more insufferable, and at times mean. Though at the unexpected shock of seeing Josie, he seemed to sober up. This was both good and bad, at least he wouldn't be crying on her shoulder about how he misses when the twins were younger, and his past wives ill fates. Caroline didn't even count though, they were only engaged for heavens sake. Though maybe he was allowed to be upset somewhat. But she only agreed to marry him for the twins sake. Out of duty. Josie thought that there was too much of that going around. And hadn't he tried to pawn the twins off for less noble reasons? Her father was ever the sanctimonious hypocrite.

"Hey, sweetheart." He cleared his throat, then tried to stay straight, pulling out a chair for Josie. Though he wobbled, he still made it over to the one beside her chair. "I didn't think I'd see you until tomorrow."

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