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Let it be known that today 06.10.2022 (as this post's date can easily prove)I gave Ava Smith from Good Novel, a Story Outline containging the in depth summary of 8 out of 15 final chapters I have in plan for this book. Any work that comes out highly similar to this, after the date mentioned earlier, might be subjected to copy right.

I will next attach 3 parts of the 8 chapters Outline i gave Ava, to prove my rights over the story.


1. Me and my crush, Diana, work at a neighbourhood small store. We arrange some boxes on the shelf, as I silently long for her and contemplate my own BS analogy about love.

Diana cuts her finger and I help her with it. I get a little arroused of her weakness, as she gets extremly weak just from seeing blood.

Someone at the store is a bit rude, makes light of her injury. I argue with that person. I ask a collegue to help me finish out work, as she takes a rest. We finish and I leave with her a few hours earlier from our workplace.

2. I take her home since she doesnt feel too well. I lend her my arm for support as we're walking. She places her head on my shoulder in the subway. She smells nice, as I fantasize about her inviting me in once we reach her home. Even tho I know there's a small change of that happening, i've seen it in the movies all the time.

Would I be a fool to expect something nice out of this?


1. As I take her home, I find out there's some older guy waiting for her. Tensions arrise between me and him, as I get jelous and use the pretext of finding him suspicios to let off steam. She calms us down. By the way she's oddly familiar with him, I reach the conclusion he is her BF.

2. My world is crushed, I'm not even aware of my surroudings on my way home. As I go inside, my mom propose we go visit my father at the hospital. I get into an argument with her, since I don't want to waste time on that alcoholic bastard. I'm already sad enough, I dont want to occupy my head with other tragedies. She goes to visit my father alone, as I lock myself in my room and cry.

3. My neighbour, Poem, need my help with some stupid thing. I end up going out with some friends and get completly wasted. My feelings are a mess and booze didn't help much. I feel anger towards her for betraying me, even tho I have no right to feel that way. Feeling hurt, I spit out some misogynistic bullshit and mean things I don't really believe.

Is it even worthy to persue her anymore?


1. I'm more silent at work. I answer with shorter replys than usual. Diana asks me what's going on. I keep dogding the question. The thought of she and that guy engaging into romantic acts is driving me crazy. I end up passive-agressive towards her.

2. We meet at school the next day. Didn't know she was in the same highschool as me. I hang out with some of her classmates during breaks. I get accepted by the group, over some stupid activities that we do together.

3. I find out vaguely from Patricia, one of her female classmates, that she's actually friends with benefits with that older guy. So that's what it was. She didn't introduce us back then and I never asked, thinking it would spare me the hurt of her talking lovely about him.

I just assumed things, but it turns out I was just half-right.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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