57 2 1

"Mr.Chwe seems to have what it takes."

"I don't know, it seems a bit too obvious for you know, the 'villain' to live. I think one of the guys in the house is going to surprise us."

The two men observed the computer screens where the camera footage was coming through. They snacked on Saeukkang as they watched Vernon and Joshua walk past the house the others were in.

"Oh, I think they noticed," The one rooting for Vernon pointed out. He stood behind the man at the desk, his munching loud and slightly bothersome.

"Damn," the second man sighed. "I'm still rooting for that Kim Mingyu. He seems to have the heart and the will to live, you know?"

"Yeah yeah," man 1 dismissed him. "We'll see I guess."

They watched as Vernon pulled the grenade out of his back pocket. Man 1 pointed at the screen with wide eyes.

"Mr.Chwe is about to use a grenade. I dont think they have much of a chance."

Man 2 cursed to himself.

"Here. Let's make a bet," man 1 said through a smirk. "I bet you 30,000 won Mr.Chwe is going to be one of the final people."

Man 2 nodded. "And I believe Mingyu will be. I'll take that bet."

"Wonderful. I look forward to kicking your ass."

Man 2 huffed, then tuned back into the screen.

They watched as Vernon threw the grenade through the window, shattering the glass on its journey.

They prepared for the explosion, continuing to snack.


When Dokyeom noticed what had come through the window, he snapped into focus mode and cried out: "Grenade!"

Soonyoung was already up and running down the hallway toward the bathroom. Dokyeom, with his sudden adrenaline, ripped Mingyu from the ground and pulled him as far away from the grenade as he could. They didn't get far, only about fifteen feet, before it detonated.

The sound was so loud that Dokyeom couldn't hear himself scream. He only felt him and Mingyu get thrown forward and against the back wall. Shards of wood hit them and embedded in their skin. Heat singed their hair and burnt their eyelashes.

The ringing in Dokyeom's ears kept him from hearing Soonyoung's cries for him, so his focus went straight to Mingyu. He didn't feel the pain yet, which he supposed was a good thing. 


He couldn't hear anything, not even the sound of his own voice. 

Mingyu was unconscious, but when Dokyeom put a hand on his chest he could feel it rise and fall.

Dokyeom wanted to get out of there, but he noticed Vernon beginning to walk through the wreckage. He only prayed that Mingyu would stay unconscious, then fell to the side, playing dead.


Vernon and Joshua were making their way into the house, looking around for them. Joshua pointed out Mingyu's now destroyed rifle and nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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