"Excuse me where am I and when?" the man asked, the two he had stopped just looked at him.

"Yeah, whatever man" they said and left.

That was strange, what kind of language did they speak, the man didn't know, so he assumed they were travelers and kept on walking, but every time he would try to talk to someone, they would just walk away, thinking he was weird or insane, the man's name was Mahad, and his adventure continued for the entire night. He would end up scaring people and in the end a vampire spotted him and noticed that his garments and language were not of this era. She was the owner of a bar, which was open all night, and closed during the day, the man had come to her bar and tried to converse with people, off course no one understood and got scared, but when someone talked about calling the police she stepped out.

"Ahh, don't worry, I am sorry he disturbed, you this is my uncle and he is harmless I swear, he just likes ancient Egypt so much that he learned their language and he speaks it, at least we think it is we can't understand him, so it might as well be nonsenses, but it is his way of making jokes, now come on uncle no need to harass my guest" she said.

She grabbed the man's arm and lead him out back into her own kitchen, as her bar was connected to her house, she sat the man down and offered him some food and asked him his name.

"What are you saying" the man answered in ancient Egyptian.

The woman quickly learned that the language barrier was a humongous problem, she then made a hand gesture that said stay here, the man huffed a bit offended since he wasn't a dog, but agreed nonetheless to stay put, given that the woman seemed willing to help him, the woman walked over to the telephone and dialed a number.

"As queen of the vampires, I need to protect them all over the world, so I have a central number for emergencies that everyone knows and can call, so that I can help if something is wrong and this was the number the vampire, oh her name is Meria by the way, and she called me" I explained.

"Hello Queens emergency contact, how can we help you?" the phone operator asked.

"Yes, hello my name is Meria, I live in Egypt, I need the queens help" Meria said.

"Alright, what is the emergency?" the operator asked.

"That is kind of hard to explain, I have found this man, that needs help" Meria said.

"Well, I am sure you know that we help vampires, not humans" the operator said.

"Yes, I am aware, but you see" Meria started.

"Is this man a threat to our kind?" the operator on the phone asked.

"I don't know, I can't ask him" Meria said.

"Why on earth not?" the operator asked.

"Language barrier" Meria answered.

"Oh, then why would you think our queen, could help this human" the operator said, with a bit of exasperation.

"Firstly, it is our queens wish that we coexist, secondly this man only speaks ancient Egyptian, at least I think that is the language he speaks and scares the humans in my bar" Meria snapped at the operator.

"Oh, is he crazy?" the operator asked.

"No, at least he doesn't appear to be" Meria said.

"...alright, what is your address, I will let the queen know" the operator said.

"329 Ra Street, Cairo, Egypt and thank you" Meria said and hung up.

She walked back to the man with a friendly smiled, he smiled back, she then pointed to herself.

"Meria" she said, the man looked at her and nodded and then pointed to himself.

"Mahad" he replied.

Meria gestured for him to stay, and she went back to her customers.

"What have I gotten myself into" Mahad asked himself.

In Scotland, the operator came running into my office.

"I am so sorry my queen, but there has been an incident" she said.

I looked up from my papers.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We just got a call on the emergency line, a vampire named Meria who lives in Egypt, has found a man who needs our help" she said.

"A human man?" I asked.

"Yes, I thought it was weird to, but she said that he only speaks ancient Egyptian, at least she thinks that is the language and he is not crazy, but he scares the humans" she said.

My eyes widened.

"Charles" I called out, while packing away my papers.

"Yes, my queen?" he asked, as he came in.

"Call the airstrip, get my plane ready for takeoff" I said, and turned to the woman.

"Did she give you an address?" I asked.

"Yes, my queen, 329 Ra Street, Cairo" the woman said.

"Alright thank you, you may go back to your job" I said.

"Yes, my queen" she said, bowed and left.

"My queen, the pilot asks where to?" Charles asked me.

"Cairo, Egypt I am going home" I said and left my office, Charles relayed my message, I went to my room where I packed a small bag, I said goodbye to Charles and Celine, and I went to the airstrip.

A few hours later, I was walking in the streets of Cairo, in what was once the great Lands of Khemet. I asked around and quickly found 329 Ra Street, I was surprised to find a bar, but when I looked at the opening hours, I immediately knew a vampire owned this place, as it was 7 in the morning and the bar had only just closed. I knocked the door was unlocked and opened, I walked in, and I saw the woman in the shadows, I closed and locked the door, knowing the sun would hurt her.

"Are you Meria, the one who called?" I asked.

"Yes, my queen it is an honor to meet you" she said and bowed.

"Please, there is no need to bow, I am in your home, so this man you called about?" I asked.

"Yes, I gave him a blanket and pillow and he passed out on my couch about two hours ago, he was very tired, he seemed like he had a long day" Meria said.

"Alright, how about something to drink while we let him get some more rest" I said.

"Of course, my queen" she said and fixed us some coffee.

"We waited an extra hour, and then he woke up" I explained, as I continued my story. 

A/N yai a little more queen story

hoped you liked it

Read you in the next chapter, Love Author <3

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