I saw Emma standing in the doorway. She was completely soaked from head to toe. Her hair drenching wet and onto the floor. I saw her looking absolutely terrified or in shock. It was as if she had seen a ghost. And I was fearful of what was going on. It was like she had received bad news or something. And I panicked. So I quickly ran to her, assisting to her aide. But she remained to be unresponsive and just pale as anything. And I knew something happened to her today. And I hate how she is acting. I'm not getting good fucking vibes with this.

   "Emma, tell me what's wrong?" I had politely asked her in my most calm voice. "Please come right inside. Come right in."

     I pulled her in all the way. And I closed the door once she was in. And then I dragged her into our sitting room. I helped take off her jacket, and I sat her down on the sofa gently. And I just stare at her, wondering what happened out there. Here she is soaking wet. And then, I go run into the kitchen and I make her a cup of tea. She is absolutely freezing so I put a nice flannel blanket around her to warm her up. I had turned off the tv. Not bothered by tonight's weather at all.

   "Emma," I sat down on my knees on the floor before her, while she remained mute as she was drinking the tea, but hardly.

   I placed my hand on her knee, trying to figure out what is wrong or what happened.

   "Baby, please tell me what's wrong." I tried to have her confide in me. "Is it Santa Monica? Or about your parents? Whatever it is... you can trust me. I'm here for you. But please please don't shut me out."

    She had looked at me, and I could see there was terror and fear in her eyes. It was drowning in her eyes like she was fuming beneath the surface to not die but only to be rescued. And I figured something was awfully wrong.

    "I couldn't shut you out." She finally spoke, and she stroked my right side of my face with the back of her hand.

  "Emma, what's going on? What happened?" I had asked her, wishing we could talk about anything right now because I know something bad happened.

  "We need to buy a gun," was all she said and then she had placed her tea down on the coffee table and she got up from the sofa, walking over to the window, as if she was expecting someone to be out there.

    I was absolutely so confused by what she meant by the gun. She said that we need to buy a gun. But I'm just so lost how he'd persona changed so quickly.

   "What?" I gasped out with a sarcastic laugh. "What are you talking about?"

   With her still looking out the window, I stood within only about ten feet away from across the room because of how big the sitting room is. Here she was still looking out the window. But then she turned around to look at me. She ran her hand through her damp hair.

   "We need to buy a gun." She repeated, almost sternly, that left me in shock.

   I frowned, trying to process what she just said. "Okay."

     I stayed quiet, thinking about it. But it was so hard to process this. But she awaited patiently for me to say something further.

    "Can I ask you why do we need to buy a gun?" I said, trying be to calm with my question, I don't wanna offend her.

   "Someone is out there... that doesn't want us to be happy, Christopher. And it doesn't matter who it is. Whether that may be Josh, Noah, Peach or Liam. But somebody or someone out there doesn't want to see our relationship succeed. And they'll separate us again. And I can't risk that all over again after everything we been through and after everything we fought for to be together after so long. And I can't lose you again. Not in this way." Emma explained, trying to make herself make sense, but I still didn't get it. And my face read it all.

Always Mine {Book 3}| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now