Chapter Nine: Kickstart My Heart Why Don't Ya?

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"Hey, Wayne?" Eddie asked, following a knock on the older man's bedroom door.

"Yeah, kid?" the man responded without opening the door.

"I might spend the night at a friend's tonight."

Eddie didn't know if he'd stay the night at Steve's just yet... but the two were comfortable with each other enough that it should be fine if Eddie changed his mind later.

"What friend?"

"Steve. You remember Steve, right?"

Wayne opened his door and peered down at his nephew. "Are you sure nothing is going on between you two?"

"Positive." Eddie almost pouted. "He's straight."

"Eh- I don't know about that." Wayne scratched at the back of his head.

Eddie's eyes could've popped out of his head at his uncle's statement. "What do you mean?"

"He has eyes for you, Eddie."

"Don't lie to me, Wayne. That's a hate crime."

"Eddie." the man rolled his eyes as he walked past his nephew. "I'm not lying to you. I could see it in his eyes. The boy likes you."

"As a friend."

"I don't want to argue with you."

"Because you know I'm right."

"Eddie!" Wayne stomped as he came to a halt. He turned around and glared him down. "Why do you do that to yourself?"

Eddie didn't know how to respond. Seeing Wayne with wide crazy eyes made Eddie's stomach turn.

"Why do you constantly think that no one could love you? People love you, Eddie. Your friends love you... I love you. Why can't you see that?" Wayne was breathing heavily as he spoke. "Son, I know you've had a hard upbringing, but that's not who you are anymore. You've changed and so has the world around you. Know that everything in your life is pushing you towards the life you weren't meant to have. Stop trying to backtrack. It will do nothing for you."

Eddie bit his lip to try and hold in his emotions. Wayne wasn't one for sharing how he felt, so hearing the man yell at Eddie about how much he loved him made the metalhead want to full-on sob. He didn't mean to make Wayne this wound up over him. Vecna killed the last few strings that Eddie had left in his heart. He's been trying hard to project positive energy into the world around him, but maybe he was draining the world dry instead.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel like I didn't appreciate you... or other people in my life."

Wayne sighed and placed a hand on Eddie's shoulder. "Eddie, I want you to stop building up walls. You don't have to knock them down all at once per se, but at least create a door, so you can hear when someone's knocking."

Eddie nodded. "Okay. I'll build a door."

Wayne looked Eddie over before turning and heading to the kitchen. Eddie walked towards the front door to leave for Steve's house.

"Have fun at Steve's place," Wayne spoke as his head disappeared behind the fridge door. "Don't be afraid to be nice to the kid."

"I'll try." Eddie half smiled as he opened the door. After stepping outside, he closed the door behind himself. After a moment, he took a deep breath of fresh air and walked off to his van to head to Steve's house.

The car ride to Steve's was much quieter than any of Eddie's typical car rides. He didn't want to listen to music because, for once, he was actually thinking about something other than wanting to escape his emotions. He wanted more. He wanted to build that door that Wayne had suggested. The man was tired of being alone when he didn't have to be.

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