A New Member of the Mechanical Family

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Izuku Midoriya had successfully paid for her freedom. Millie's, that is. The machine was too heavily damaged to move, but that didn't mean he couldn't move it for her. Thanks to his created body, moving the animatronic was child's play. It now sat in Parts & Service of the PizzaPlex, waiting for Katsumi to finish repairs on a different model, Glamrock Freddy. He had been having battery troubles, and so he was left off the stage for the meantime. "What's the damage on Freddy?"

Kay sighed, putting her head in her hands out of frustration. "His battery is draining at an exponential rate. I'm not sure why. I've replaced it, but none of the other animatronics have the same issue. I'll monitor them, for now, but..."
Gently, Izuku placed a cup of coffee next to her, which she took a grateful sip from. "I get it. You're the expert here, I'll trust you. Now, onto the other bear in the room." He glanced at the old device.

Katsumi ordered him around, being the mechanic here. "Plug it in and power it up."

"Right." Izuku followed her directions, placing it inside the safety chamber. There was a power port, and he secured it inside. Leaving the container, it sealed behind him as Katsumi powered it up. "Operational in 3, 2, 1..."
It was as if life was breathed back into the machine. Gasping for a breath that she would never take again, Millie asked, afraid. "Where am I?"

Izuku, yet again, was the first to speak, walking over to a place where he could be seen. "Hello, Millie, can you hear me?"

Looking at him, she calmed down a little before replying, "Y-Yes..."
With a smile, Izuku explained the circumstances. "Good. I've moved you to our place, the Pizzaplex. You're currently inside the parts & service safety chamber. We can operate on you remotely from here. It's for our safety more than your own, as we don't know if the bear's... operating system is still functional." The real danger was the code buried there. Since this was Afton's, they'd have to be extremely careful. Many of his creations were lethal, to say it lightly.

That made sense, especially considering the bear she had been killed by. "Ok... I... I have a question, though."
"Of course. Fire away."
"What are your names?" Bashfully, she justified the question. "I never asked."
Izuku laughed gently, as it was true. He and Kat never introduced themselves. "Sorry about that, Millie. It slipped my mind. I am Izuku Midoriya, and this is Katsumi."

Running the names aloud, through "Izuku and Katsumi... are you siblings?"
"Yeah. In a manner of speaking."

"How come you look so..."
He cut her off, noticing the readings on the monitor. "I'll explain when you're in a more stable body. That way we can tell you everything."

"Katsumi here is a brilliant engineer, and basically built the body I use now. Give her what you'd like and she'll build it for you. Using the synthesis chamber on the other side of the room. He pointed to his right, and she saw it.

Katsumi explained the process. "I have done this before, and I believe I understand the concept behind transferring souls to machinery. It'll feel like a normal body... or at least, that's what Izuku says. If this works, I'll basically have discovered the secret to immortality."

Izuku laughed, "Sorry about that, it's a conversation Kat and I have been having in the past few weeks. I'll leave you two to discuss what you want."

Leaving the two, Izuku went to check on all of the other parts of the Pizzaplex. There was administration, security, food organization, making sure all of the attractions were up to par... There was a lot to do, and so little time. It's why Katsumi was placed in charge of everything mechanical. If only I could get rid of one of these on my plate... but of course! I'll see what Millie would like to do after she is transferred over.

Springlocked 2: Security BreachOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz