Toko's Re-admission

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I was nothing but a jerk. I need to become better. I heard from Dad what Grandfather was like, and never want to become like him.

That was Toko Yaoyorozu's thought as he was escorted from Juvenile detention back to UA. His parents had secured his release on the grounds that he was in the process of becoming a hero. It helps when your mother is also the UA principal, although she did have one rule: Reform or be expelled. Nepotism would not be remotely tolerated, and anything even remotely similar to that behaviour from before? He'd be completely removed from the family. After all, his parents could adopt someone more to their liking, or... have another child, and try again should he fail. Most of his old friends, from before UA, received similar warnings and treatment. While the few that attended UA with him were technically part of the hero course (Class B), but still, if they did anything out of line, they would be expelled. No questions asked, do not pass go, do not collect 200$, go straight to jail.

Toko sighed, before heading back to the dorms. His room should still be set up as it was, before the absolute mess with Katsumi...

He refocused on the task at hand. He was in the hero course, but he knew he was far from heroic. He just hoped the others would give him a second chance. After all, most of them had good morals, something he'd definitely need to learn from.

That second chance was much further away then he realized if the glares in the class were anything to go by. They were enough to kill him, far more brutally than he knew Katsumi wanted to. While he knew every child here, he also knew that most had never acted like him. Their parents had been a bit more hands on with raising them to be the best they could be... and it showed. Lowering his head, he ignored them, just in time for their homeroom teacher, Kyoka Jirou, the pro hero HeartRocker, to start talking, "Good that you've returned." Noting the cold temperature in the room, specifically from the class's gazes towards Toko, she told them, "Everyone, don't be so harsh. I'm sure he's apologized for his crime, and has done the time. He, like the rest of you, are here to learn. Now, I've got a few announcements before the day starts..."

I never got to apologize to her, though...

As the day went on, he found that his friends, the ones he had at Soumei, did not have the same light sentence he did, whereas his friends in UA, the sons and daughters of his parent's classmates were much kinder in that respect compared to those he'd bullied others with. And some of them despised bullies. And so, he searched for a way to make amends. It was his fault, he knew that much, but didn't know what to do... I mean, how could you apologize for assault like that? He'd never had to apologize before. The lies he told as second nature were quite easy to tell, even now, and was still at a loss for what to do when his mother called for him after school.

The hike to the Principal's office was a long one, past many students. They heard rumors, no doubt spread again with his arrival back at UA. Claims that the staff was being nice to him because they didn't want to be fired circulated throughout the school, as well as wondering if his mother would expel them for even thinking along those lines... it was a mess. All caused by him. Arriving at the large oaken doors, the raven haired boy knocked on the door.

"Enter." Her voice was cold. He opened the doors, and entered to see his mother typing diligently at her mahogany desk. Waiting, she finished typing the email and sent it off. Only then did she close the computer and look at him directly.

 Only then did she close the computer and look at him directly

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