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I stood there idol but he quickly jumped off his horse as he saw me and ran up to me and we embraced each other tightly for the first time in months,but thought he would pick up that something missing and he quickly pulled away to ask"where is your belly?".

"I thought you would never noticed but here is your son!".I turned to Pooja who came forward with my baby in her arms and showed him from her and Bajirao instantly started to cry when he saw him and smiled.

"Is this our son?!".he asked nervously and I giggled with his question.

But then I remember the reason we here and told him that I want to leave this place and he asked me"where do you want to go?".he asked and I didn't know what to answer at first but then said"I don't know at all but to just leave this place!".I said to him.

"Okay I know of a place but come let go!.he said and we followed him to his guards and Nadia and Raj got on the back of one horse each and I tire the white cloth with the books to the horse saddle and Pooja gave me my son which we would ride with bajirao.another guard took chico cage and as I got on the horse with Bajirao,Pooja stood there watching us and I asked her"Aren't you coming with us?".

" go and live your life!".

"You are crazy!!!!!I'm not leaving without you Pooja,come hop on!".I said to her.

She first stood idol but then she walked to us and the doors of Laal Mahal flew opened and Jhanvi begum and two men came out of the entrance and I instantly started shivering in fear and pressed Bajirao arm tightly when he felt it and placed his hand on mine.

Jhanvi begum got a fright seeing the prince and stopped but Pooja shouted"for heaven sake.....just leave this place already!!!!".and shoved her hands infront of the horses to leave but Bajirao and his men won't budge when the next moment was all it took and as I screamed at pooja to run and hop on,we didn't realize that in a spit second I begged my friend to come and as she looked at us and ran afterwards when just inches before us she stopped and we all looked down to see a arrow has perch her skin directly in her heart from behind and she looked at us one last time and the next,she fell to the ground with blood filling the ground she lay on.

She lied on the ground taking her last few breaths and said"leave before this witch catches you please!!!!!!".her final words as she took her last breath and she was gone in an instant.

My whole world immediately crumble to pieces upon seeing my best friend more like my sister lying there and dying before my eyes when I wanted to get down and comfort her but Bajirao held me tight while he held the reins of the horse in the other.

He then looked to see at the terrance,a shadow standing there with a bow and arrow to which he looked down at Jhanvi begum and said with a gruesome look"I'm leaving now.......but tomorrow I'm returning and this place will be burned to the ground and you and your men will pay the price with your lives for what treason you committed infront of a royal family member of jhansi!!!!".he roared at the end of his sentence and she jumped in fear from his words.

We all turned around and race towards the city and I looked back one last time seeing Pooja dead body and it broke my heart for my freedom,she had to pay the price.then my baby started crying and my attention turned me back to him and calmed him down as I held Bajirao tightly with my other hand.

We rode for a while,passing the city and straight to the palace when we took a detour on a road that next to a another road leading straight to the palace.we rode slowly since the place was surrounded by the jungle which is next to the palace grounds and trees that stood tall creating a scary atmosphere under the night sky.I then felt so tired and ended up falling asleep against Bajirao back not squeezing my child that I'm holding and by the time I woke up we arrived at the place Bajirao took us too.

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