Chapter 6

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Later that evening, I stood in the doorway to our living room. To my left, I could see Dan, he was seated before a roaring fire, he looked happy, content in the moment. I caught my breath remembering how many nights he held me in front of that fireplace. Holding me tight in his arms. The two of us talking, laughing and sharing our dreams and the desire to retire closer to a bigger body of water. The ocean...

"Join me," he said, stopping me from wondering about our future. "You look beautiful," he added, smiling. His smile, his eyes, and the way he looked at me, always got to me.

"We'll be late," I said, hoping he'd get up.

"What time's our reservations?"

"Seven," I replied and moved toward the coat closet.

"Give me two seconds," Dan said as he secured the fire.

Before we reached the garage, the wind blew and I could smell his shave cream. I loved that smell – sexy and alluring. I wished for it to be October 2nd and we could start over again.

We reached the restaurant holding hands, as if it were our first date. At the table, I glanced over at him, wondering his innocence or guilt and our eyes met. Suddenly a rush came over me. I wasn't sure if it was anger or passion. I fiddled nervously with my napkin.

Dan looked up from his plate and flashed me a smile before setting his fork down. "You haven't touched your food."

He reached over and caressed my right shoulder. When he took his hand back and rubbed his hands on his thighs, my emotions rose. Dan reached out again. This time holding my wrist and once again, I was electrified by his touch.

When we got home, he asked me if I wanted him to light a fire. I told him I was tired and had a lot work to do the next day.

Friday morning, Lynnae, Stephanie and I were all in the kitchen, watching Brooke sway to the sound of Christina Aguilera singing "Ain't No Other Man."

"I don't know how she does it. Decorating a cake while moving her hips like that?" I said as I lined a tray for oatmeal raisin cookies.

Stephanie raised her head from her sketchpad long enough to see Brooke give us a little hip action.

"Hey, what'd Dan get you for Valentine's Day?" Lynnae asked me as she seized a cookie sheet out of the oven.

"He bought me my favorite roses, a card and took me out for dinner."

"Aww, that was nice of him. See...?"

"When he handed the card to me, he told me I was a romantic."

Lynnae smiled. "Oh, yeah, and like he's not? Did ya tell him, he grew up reading the same fairy tales as you and me? Dan knows he's your prince and you're his queen." She cocked her head. "Get to work. Customers just walked through the door."

I waited on the couple, hoping Lynnae was right. In fairy tales, there is a happily ever after. Why couldn't that be true for me? We had so much to be thankful for, and yet it felt like an abyss had opened up between us.

"Umm, hello. Did you forget something?" Lynnae asked, pointing a wooden spoon at the front room.


"They gave you an order for next Saturday, hang it up on the board."

"Geez..." I went back to the front room, snatched the form and hung it up on the clipboard.

An hour later, Brooke and Stephanie were washing the mixing bowls. Lynnae had just cleared the worktable, and I had just put the last pie in the display case.

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