Chapter Four: I Can Do It Better [UNDER GOING REVAMP]

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"Please Hank!" I begged for what seemed to be the fourth time that day. "Please let me interrogate the deviant!" I was practically at the floor at this point.

Hank rolled his eyes, "For the last time, no!"

"But why, please just give me a chance!" My knees were on the cold hard floor as I clasped my hands together.

Hank pulled me up and started walking towards the door, "No, you can only interrogate deviants if you are twenty-one or older," He scoffed.

"Liar! The contract said eighteen and over! Besides I'm twenty-one in six months," I replied trying to chase after him.

"Wonderful, see you in the interrogation room in six months," Hank smiled at me before closing the door right on my face.

UGH. Stupid Hank, stupid rules, stupid androids. 

"It's alright Miss Rosewood, you can watch with me," Connor gestured towards the chair beside him.

I slumped down, "Great, yay," I sarcastically smiled sitting down on the seat beside Connor.

Watching through the screen at someone else doing the job that I, myself was perfectly was perfectly capable of doing was probably the most annoying thing in the world. I watched as Hank question the deviant, I just wished that it was me instead.

I saw out of the corner of my eye Connor slowly turn his head towards me, "Are you alright Miss Rosewood, does you head still hurt?"

I gave a weak smile back at him, "No, no my head is fine it's just...I wish that I was the one who was interrogating the deviant because that's what I signed up for this job to do. Catch deviants."

I didn't realise what a tangent I was even going on, "Sorry I'm going on a bit, aren't I?"

"It's understandable," Connor said, keeping his gaze on Hank, who had stood up by now and was trying his hardest not to shout, "You are trying to just complete your mission, as am I." Connor continued. 

There was a brief silence between the both of us for a few minutes. It wasn't awkward was more of a comfortable silence.

"Why did you save me," I mumbled silently.

"It is just as important to me to complete my mission as it is to protect your life," Connor replied, not taking his eyes off Hank across in the interrogation room.

There was another silence between us again. I tried to make out what Hank was saying between the muffled words to the deviant but I couldn't quite make out what he was saying.

"I've read about your past Miss Rosewood and I want to assure you I don't want that to come between our partnership together on the case," Connor said turning his head towards me. I didn't make eye contact with him.

"Can we not mention my past, please?" I said keeping my gaze forward at Hank in the interrogation room.

Another silence again. Hank then burst into the room and slapped his hands down on the table. 

"Not even a bloody word out of him!" He gritted his teeth, keeping his hands on the table, his head low. 

"Have you tried, you know..." I couldn't believe as to what I was going to say, "Roughing it up a bit?" 

Both Hank and Connor turned their heads towards me slowly. I got that, 'What the actual - ?' look from both of them. 

"You can't just go round hurting deviants!" Hank scoffed at me. 

"Androids don't feel pain," Connor said. 

"So what, you won't feel this?" I laughed jamming my elbow into Connor's stomach. 

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