“Oh yeah? Wait till you see him and Miguel, that’ll get your head spinning” I smiled, messing up Robby’s hair

“Like what you’ve done with the place” Robby swatted my hands away “I mean, how many times did your dad make you sand that sparing deck?”

“Zero actually, because your guys dad brought a power sander” Sam grinned, making Robby laugh

“Ah sounds like him” Robby laughed, we were all laughing

“Hey” I nodded towards Sam “We’re cool, right? I mean…… I know I technically stole your spot at the All Valley, and if you had competed then we wouldn’t be dealing with this shit anymore-”

“We’re cool Harley” Sam assured me with a smile “You did great, and….. I lost to Tory anyways, you were the one that actually beat her right?”

“Heh, I guess” I nodded

“We’re definitely cool though, no more rivalries” Sam smiled

“Yeah, all except one” I sighed, looking over at Eli

“I thought, you and Miguel were cool” Anthony chimed in

“No, Eli and Robby” I mumbled, I could hear Robby sighing behind me “He and Robby still haven’t aired out their laundry”

“I dunno if that one’s gonna happen sis” Robby sighed

“Please, if you and Miguel can make up, you and Eli can figure your shit out” I scoffed “Should be pie compared to you and El”

Robby shrugged, and suddenly we all heard another whistle. Which meant that the Hunger Games had officially begun and we were all screwed. I watched Sam instantly go hide in the beach house, Demetri ever the genius built a suitable casing for that egg drop test all science teachers love too much. Something told me that wouldn’t work either. I had zero clue what I was going to do. For some reason everything I thought of seemed like it wasn’t going to work and I kept psyching myself out. When Demetri’s egg got stabbed with a bay throwing knife, it kicked my ass into high gear and I instantly ran in the opposite direction of where Chosen was going. I basically dodged him the entire time, watching kid after kid go and stand on the sparing deck as they were all defeated. Finally I got an idea. While Chosen went around to the front, I ran over to the sparring deck and stood with everyone who had been taken out, which included Demetri, Chris, Mitch, Nate, Bert and many others, Robby included.

“He got your egg?” Robby asked

I didn’t answer, actually, I winked, and stood behind the boys as more of a crowd started to accumulate. Clearly Robby wasn’t happy about being taken out so early, not used to falling so short in his training. Clearly we were all in very new territory here with our new Sensei. A couple minutes later Eli showed up alongside Anthony. I was actually surprised Anthony made it so long. 

“How’d he take you out?” Robby asked Eli, that’s new

“Shut up, don’t talk to me” Eli instantly muttered, wrapping an arm around my waist

“En serio?” I elbowed him in the side 

“Dude, if this is about the mohawk, I’m sorry” Robby apologized first, also surprising me “But if anybody knows how Cobra Kai can turn you into an asshole, it’s you”

“Oh so I’m an asshole?”

“Yeah well let’s see. Uhh, you attacked me and Sam at the mall, you- you broke Demetri’s arm, and recruched Harley’s windpipe, you trashed this entire dojo-”


“Enough!” Demetri…. Was yelling at them “Enough alright!? You’re both ex assholes now, great! Can we focus on the issue at hand? There is a madman out there using weapons on us. Also, at least for Harley’s sake, get over your shit” Robby and Eli were effectively speechless, and I was effectively shocked. Good job Dem

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