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It was cold, penetrating so deep that I could feel it in the marrow of my bones, freezing my blood. I let the chill run its course through my body before I whisked it away, not wanting it to divert my attention from other matters. Something was changing in the Dreaming already, rapidly without a foretelling sign, even though it's only been operating for a short while, housing the first few living creatures of creation. I did not sense any danger, my mere curiosity brought me into the realm, which's tentative magic tapped into my power as soon as I arrived. I let it have a taste, then closed myself away, securing the core of my soul.

I found him by the shore, sitting in the sand, his heavy black cape flowing around him, hiding his frame, mimicking the movement of the waves. Next to him laid a contorted humanoid form of some kind, something I'd never seen before, raspy breaths rattling through its lungs as he curled into a foetal position. Its charred, black skin tightened around its joints as it moved them slightly, grasping for something unreachable. When I crouched on his side his eyes stared past me, fixed on the horizon. I waited for him patiently to speak first.

"I was afraid you might not come back ever." He admitted. I haven't seen him since our forbidden kiss, my boon for him. He must have thought that I'm angry, upset even. "It would have been reasonable. I compromised our relationship and by that our roles too."

"I wasn't upset with you." The torn being on the ground moaned loudly, its burned flesh smelling of death. "What is this?"

"A nightmare." Finally, he looked at me, his gaze darting away almost immediately, now landing on his creation. He reached out, fingertips grazing the flaky skin, uncovering red, roasted flesh. My stomach churned.

"You've only made dreams before, why the sudden change? I believed you wanted the Dreaming to be peaceful, calming, an escape from reality."

"Humanity needs the challenge of fear." Pulling his hand back his fingertips were greasy black. "To learn from it, as early as possible."

I sat down, deciding that I will be staying longer than I planned. Initially, I just wanted to check on how he is dealing with his new kingdom, my work steadily doubling in the past few weeks as more beings came to life every second, not leaving me enough time for proper visits. Humanity was blooming on Earth and I had to serve them the best I could, exactly as my job required.

"What inspired you?" I asked him, our shoulders brushing, to which he jolted as if lightning struck him. Shuddering, he rested his chin on his knees, pulled up to his chest.

"I'm unsure." He muttered. "The idea came to me naturally, this nightmare was meant to be as it is."

Against his answer I guessed that what had happened between us was to blame, his pain lingering after, being more severe than he would ever show. He had carefully protected his pride and by tearing into him to get the whole truth I would have only caused further damage.

"You do know that I'm still your friend." I changed the subject instead, enveloping him into a half-sided hug, his torso tensing up before relaxing, leaning against me trusting. "And that will not change for the centuries coming. You and your siblings have me to count on."

Careworn, he sighed heavily.

"How can sentiments such as yours be piercing and cherished at the same time?" With the simple flick of his wrist, the nightmare disintegrated, its ashes fluttering towards the sea. "I do appreciate your words though, I wouldn't want you to think that I don't."

"I know you, no need to clarify. You wouldn't offend me intentionally." Gracefully the sun dipped under the foamy waves, splashing hues of orange and purple across the sky with its last rays of light. "Remember one thing, dear Morpheus. No matter what, while I rarely make them, I do keep my promises as it is the honourable thing to do."

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