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Past the rampage outside the palace, the cellar was eerily quiet, not even the screams of the dreamfolk could penetrate the thick underground walls. The damp air clung to my hair and clothes, as my cloak dragged after me, heavily on the floor. The two gods wrecking the gardens above ground escaped a while ago and declared their rule over the Dreaming, throwing its rightful ruler into the dungeons. I was inclined to ignore the situation for a while, hoping that Morpheus has everything in his grip, but alas, he was still too young. I had no doubt in his capabilities, but governing a realm was completely different to protecting it. This was a steep learning curve. I came to see him, though bound by ancient laws I wasn't about to help him, but I had to know if he still had the spirit to fight on.

There was only one cell. It's not often that someone has to be imprisoned in the Dreaming, and there are far better methods for holding someone. Yet they still decided to simply shut him behind bars. How beast-like.

He huddled in the corner, a fuming pile of black fabrics and chains. He was immensely angry and scared, but the ice of his desperation broke as soon as he caught sight of me. He leapt towards the door, a cuffed hand reaching through the iron bars. On the wall behind him, I noticed signs of the Endless, scratched into the stone. An ankh, a sword, a heart, a ring, a flower. He improvised a gallery for himself, unable to access his own. He tried to call his siblings.

"You came at last." Even at a few thousand years old he still retained some of his boyish charm from before the time of his first love. Only now deep lines of loss and heartbreak grooved his elegant face.

"I'm not here to help." His hopeful expression dropped and suddenly I realized that I don't remember the last time I saw him. "You know I can't."

"Of course. Neither can my siblings."

"Have you tried all of them?"

He shamefully looked away.

"Not Desire."

There was bad blood between Dream and Desire, I had no need to ask why he didn't call on his sister-brother sooner.

"You have to put aside your disagreements, otherwise you will rot in this cell for an eternity."


"Again, I'm not about to break the rules."

His hand fell limply to his side.

"Why you came then?"

"I felt like I have to be here. It's been a while since I saw you too."

The thousands of stars in his eyes flickered then died down. He pulled his tattered regal attire tighter around himself, the fabric making a tearing sound in protest.

"You felt like you have to be here? Did Destiny set this up after he was unable to answer my call?"

"No. We've been distant, he has a lot to do. It's based on pure instinct that I'm here."

He quietly mulled over what I said, then returned to the corner of his cell, looking at the cravings that the etched into the wall longingly.

"Tell me, will I ever get out of here?"

"I believe so, though I cannot say for sure. The future is not mine to know." I leaned closer to the bars, so I could link my sight with his. "But the lesson you will learn from this is important, never forget it. You might need it in the future. Call Desire."


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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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