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We were back at the silvery lake, our usual meeting spot by then. He invited me here with greater delight than even his younger sister could ever give. Vigorously he captured my hand, excitement beaming from his body. He was to present me with something, though he didn't let on much. Dishevelled hair flying along, there was a noticeable spring in his step.

"I finished it all." He explained between breathy laughs as he tugged me after him. "The Dreaming, it's ready."

"You did?" I glanced at him in awe. He did it just in time, it was the day when the first living creature came to be on the Earth, hours before the night of early dreams. It was his hour, night was about to spread over the prehistoric scenery.

"Would you let me show it to you?" Tearing a gateway into reality he sought my response. I nodded. Leaving the waking world we commenced into the Dreaming. I felt a strange, new wind blow against my face, a laudable contender to the one that carried my song. My toes were burrowed into black sand, with specks of stardust mixed within it. The breeze carried the smell of salt and a sense of unrestricted freedom that the barriers of the mortal planes forever denied me. It was intoxicating, so much so, that I let my lids flutter shut for a second until Morpheus walked on, our hands still attached. A yet unrefined ivory gate came into view, a symbol of power and dreams to come.

"You carved this?" My fingers ran over the chisel marks, made with careful consideration, clear signs of his love and devotion.

"Out of Horn and Ivory." To his beckoning the two mighty wings opened up, revealing an ochre cobblestone path. Back then he had no formal palace to his name, only the hills and rivers, mystical valleys and the sky, mirror of his emotions. The sunlit vista was so bright, so immaculate, that I had to shield my eyes until I adjusted.

"I hear a new melody and it's not mine." I looked up at him, saying. "It bears the mark of your craftsmanship."

"It's greatly inspired by yours." He was flustered by his sudden, honest statement, so absolving him I spoke next.

"The first dreamer is about to arrive." I let go of him and went over the brilliant green blooming around us, as a goodbye. "This is your moment, I should leave you to it."

"On the contrary." The squeeze of his fingers on my hip stopped me, breath hitched in my throat. "I was hoping to share this experience with you."

That's when I saw it in his eyes for truly what it was, the exact adoration I have felt but repressed. But how could I keep doing that, knowing his feelings were the same? He brought down the whole starry sky for me in his irises, all that tenderness, and desire to be close gained meaning. He wished for me with true candour and I was never loved before that, not since I escaped the void.


"May I kiss you?"

My gaze flicked from his dilating pupils to his lips. Taking my loss for words as an encouragement he leaned in, head slanted, his nose brushed mine. It was all benevolent from his side, all too beguiling, and I hesitated. I had hoped I wouldn't be the one who breaks him, cuts his heart open, while my racing one beats on. I needed all my might to open my mouth, to say something, anything.

"I can't"

His eyes widened, pulling his arms back as if I was burning him, he stumbled then straightened. The sky was murky, and clouds gathered above us.

"Why?" He uttered, rather questioning the Dreaming than me personally.

"Our affection for each other is something that shall never bloom, Dream." I owed him with explaining my actions, so I sat down on a nearby tree trunk, its bark twisted and textured. The attention to detail, more genuine than reality.

◆︎ Assorodus  ◆︎⌛︎◆︎  Morpheus ◆︎ The Sandman ◆︎Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt