DadMic: Won't know until we try

MomNight: Exactly

Therapist: Don't say I didn't warn you
Therapist: @Aizu

Aizu: W h a t 
Aizu: N o w

GoodFood: I can already see this going south
GoodFood: Fast.

DadMic: Backread kiddo


Aizu: I'm alive
Aizu: I regret it
Aizu: I crave violence
Aizu: And the souls of the innocent

DadMic: I'm sure it'll get better kiddo!

Dadzawa: No death.

MomNight: ^Both x2

BroccoliBrother: Mood

BIRBY: Fair, but also

Aizu: Tread lightly

BIRBY: ....

Aizu:  .

BIRBY: Calm down edge lord

BroccoliBrother: Calm down edge lord

Aizu: ...

BroccoliBrother: Suddenly I feel like
BroccoliBrother: I'm in danger 

BIRBY: Haha I'm in danger-

Aizu: Stfu green beans & chicken wings
Aizu: I will come for both of y'all's daddy issues
Aizu: Pipe down

BroccoliBrother: O h -

BIRBY: W e l l  t h e n-

Aizu: You knew what would happen
Aizu: And you did it anyway
Aizu: :)

BroccoliBrother: ...fair

BIRBY: You have a point

Vlampire: Is the Hellion turning on us?

BobTheBuilder: How do we handle that?

SharpShooter: Is- Is there a drill for this?

Aizu: ...

Vlampire: Shit-

Aizu: I wasn't going to say anything
Aizu: But like-
Aizu: Y'all really talking like I ain't right here, huh?

SharpShooter: Well damn

Vlampire: Nezu come get your hellion-

RatGod: I do believe Hound Dog warned everyone
RatGod: and according to their file, this is a perfectly
RatGod: normal occurrence after a therapy session

BobTheBuilder: Them coming for everyone's throats is
BobTheBuilder: is a normal occurrence after therapy?!

Aizu: I haven't gone for anyone's throats, yet.
Aizu: I prefer the kneecaps ... or ankles 

GoodFood: Why-

Aizu: If the bitch is on the ground
Aizu: Proceed to smash the bitch straight to hell

Dadzawa: Do not do that to anyone here

DadMic: Or come for anyone's throats

Aizu: I wouldn't do that to anyone here
Aizu: Well, 99% of y'all 

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