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적들 - Enemies


Draco Lucius Malfoy

The heiress of Malfoy family of muggle world this family is criminal but no can stop them even the police there family was the most powerful family.

Harry James Potter

The heiress of Potter family this family was 2nd there are not criminal instead they are enemy of Malfoy family.


"Astoria!?." Draco called to his fiance who order some people to kill a girl.

"Yes!?." Astoria said while smiling.

"Look here you should stop-." Draco was about to say something when he was stop by a kiss from Astoria.

Draco kiss back and they make out.


Harry, the innocent heir of potter family wasn't seen of anyone he was always on the manor.

until one day he sneak out and find a place he knew it was just a place where everyone drinking but he stop walking infront of a room and look around.

"여기요 !. (Hey!)" The man called call Harry.

Harry turn but he was drag inside the room there he saw a man sitting in a sofa wearing all black and smoking.

"그는 누구인가!? (Who is he!?)." The man ask.

"그는 도예가 상속인이다 (He is the potter heir)." The man said.

The smoking man nod and order everyone to leaved speaking in korean language,everyone left and locked the door.

"Are you Harry James Potter!." Draco ask while smoking.

"Stop smoking!,smoking is bad for a human being it can kill you damn it!." Harry said his innocent attitude change.

"It's look like your not innocent at all!." Draco said smirking.

Harry towards Draco and pulled the cigarettes and put it away while Draco pulled his waist making him sit on his lap.

"Do you know me!?." Draco ask.

"Draco Malfoy!." Harry said and stare on Draco.

"Are you seducing me?." Draco ask and grinned.

"If i say yes!." Harry said and smile.

He actually plan this he like Draco ever since child but his parent's always told him there family's is enemies.

"Then your mine understood!." Draco said and smiles.

"Hmm!,then i'm yours!." Harry said and kiss him deeply.

They make out that night.


Draco and Harry didn't know there father and mother was in a relationship.

Harry meet Lucius Malfoy.

He bow like a lady and smiles, Lucius smirk on Harry by how he act like a lady.

Draco was right he was a copy of James Potter.

"그 아버지에 그 아들 같은 (Like father like son)." Lucius mumble and grinned.

"Harry!?." James shouted he was worried on his son he was missing when he saw Harry he quickly hug him and check if he is okay.

"I'm glad your okay!." James said.

Lucius smiles on James and smirk.

Harry left leaving Lucius and James.

(Don't hate me for shipping Lucius and James while Narcissa and Lily)


Harry bump on someone he act like an innocent heir and say sorry.

"Watch where you going brat!." Astoria said in anger.

Harry signed and cross his arms.

"Look here lady i respect every girls but with that kind of attitude of yours is not accepted,it's ugly for a future wife of Malfoy family!." Harry said and left.

Astoria really furious she left to find Draco.

"Brat!." Harry mumble.

Draco saw Harry and he quickly towards him and hug him from behind.

"Hey!." Draco whisper.

"Dray~." Harry moan when Draco started to kiss the back of his neck.

"Babe!?." A girl voice said in shock they turn and saw Astoria.

"What the h*ll is the meaning of this!?." She said in anger.

Draco smirk and pulled Harry close to him as he started kissing his neck.

"He is my lover!." Draco said.

Astoria was so angry that she was about to slap Harry when Draco hold her wrist and push her away.

Harry remained silent when he was pulled away by Draco.


Draco bought Harry on his room and locked, Harry grin he knew Draco was horny they kiss and it became passionate deeply.

While kissing they take off their clothes together until they end up in bed.

Draco start kissing Harry's neck leaving hickies everywhere.

That night was there Second time.


Harry woke up because of the sun, Astoria barge in the room making Draco woke up and rub his eyes.

"D-dray~!." Astoria said in shocked.

Harry smiles and Draco hug him.

"Stay!." Draco mumble and kiss Harry's neck ignoring his fiance.

"Draco,why are you ignoring me!." She shouted.

Lucius came and saw the fighting he signed.

"Harry!,stay there and let me handle this!." Lucius said and turn.

Harry was a bit surprised why Mr,Malfoy suddenly called him by his first name.

Draco smirk and continue kissing Harry's neck while Astoria follow Mr,Malfoy confused...

- The End -

A/N : Part 2 Soon....,

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