Chapter Eleven | Clubbing

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"Why did you have to leave us? There were so many good offers in Sydney itself." Mom whined on the other side of the call.

I groaned and leaned back in my chair. "Mom, not this again. It's been four months, get over it."

"But I miss my baby!"

I smiled at her childishness and heard dad's voice as he asked her playfully, "You mean me?"

"Shut up, Rafe. I mean I miss my daughter."

"Our daughter." Dad corrected her immediately.

"And is that supposed to prove something?"

"Yes...that you love me enough to have three kids with me."

"Ugh." I groaned. "Can you guys flirt later?"

"Sorry..." Mom muttered sheepishly. "Anyway, I was saying that I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, mom. How's everyone else there?"

"They are good too... everyone's busy with Nevan and Alora. They can be very exhausting at times." Nevan and Alora were Calix's kids, twins.

"Aww, send me their pictures later."

And I heard a faint crying in the background and mom sighed. "Okay...I'll talk to you later, they have started crying again."

I bid her goodbye and hung up the call. I really missed everyone.

And I was missing Lucian. Yesterday, I don't even know what was that. He was acting so strange, appearing out of nowhere and then demanding to know if I was pregnant. Even if I was, why does that concern him?

He left before I could question him properly. For a moment, I had a feeling that he was jealous but I shot that down quickly. There's no way he would be jealous over me...he made it clear that my feelings were stupid and he was not at all interested in me.

Ugh. Stupid me and my stupid feelings.

Later that evening, Drea bursted into my office as I was about to leave. "Okay, since it's Friday, we are going clubbing!"

I pointed to her baby bump. "Clubbing and you? You do realise that you are pregnant?"

She frowned and grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the office. "Don't be a party pooper, Maria. You, me, Sorin, Adrian and much to Sorin's disappointment Atlas, we all are going clubbing. And I won't be drinking, obviously."

"Why does your husband not like Atlas? He's such a sweet guy."

She rolled her eyes. "Don't get me started on that. Sorin is just being petty."

"Okay." I chuckled and followed her out of the building.


(A/N: A cliché club scene coming right up. But hey, I think it's good.)

"I am not wearing that." I pointed to the black dress in Drea's hand. "Was that really in my closet?"

"You tell me. You bought this dress and now you won't even wear it? It's so sexy!"

", thanks. I'll wear a jeans instead."

"No. You are wearing this only."

"And I used to think you were the most innocent person ever."

She grinned sheepishly. "My husband ruined me." She cleared her throat. "Anyway, please wear this for me. You will look sexy as hell. Please." She gave me her puppy eyes and I gave in.

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